Convention question

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
I was talking to someone the other day who told me that it had been agreed upon in the board meeting at Convention that they were going to be chargine $65 for the stalls at Gordyville for the 07' Congress. I had always thought they were like $30 or $35 before I know we paid $65 for St. Louis. Does anyone else know if this is true.....Also what city is Gordyville in?
I am not sure about price but I am guessing Illinois
Yeah it is Illinois, I was just trying to see if anyone maybe knew the city by chance. I am already excited and planning!
Hum.........well Gordyville is in cornfield usa, out in the middle of no where......but really if you are looking on the map look for Rantoul
We'd always paid $45 at Gordyville but the club paid $35. St. Louis charges $65 per stall and that's what we paid. I hope they didn't decide to charge $65 for stalls considering they announced in at least one meeting that Gordyville is only charging them $35 per stall and that's why the facilty cost would be so much less.
Heres the website for gordyville arena. gordyville

I think the actual address is gifford illinois but its just a few minutes from rantoul. which is nice because there are resturants, shopping and hotels not far at all.

To answer your question, The in 05' at Gordyville we paid $50 per stall, looking at the old entry.. And yes we voted to leave the prices the same as St. Louis for Stalls and entry's . As going back to Gordyville is just a temporary fix until we can find a place we can AFFORD ! We lost money at Gordyville also, just not as much as St. Louis , so maybe by keeping the stalls the same we can come closer to what it cost to put this show on.. We are just going thru some growing pains with the Shetlands and it takes time to work thru them. If everyone that really loves and enjoys showing
: the great little horses will just hang in there and be a little understanding
: I am sure in the long run we will get it figured out and find a very nice affordable home to have our National Show in..
: Remember this is the SHETLAND National Show and what National show do you go to that you don't have to pay more for STALLS< ENTRYS > ETC..

Belinda Bagby

Classic Committee Chairperson
Thank you all for the info, and thanks for the website Kay. Very informative as to where it is located. Also don't have a problem paying more for a National show, as we pay the same fees for our area show and for regular local shows as well ($50 a stall). I just had not heard that at the Convention, was simply trying to confirm it. Thank you!
I think that is fair. It is a National Show, and like Belinda said TEMPORARY.

We didn't hear that at Convention cause it was discussed in closed session at the BOD meeting. We waited outside for 1 hour I think as they debated the location AHHAHAHAH.

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