Conversation at 5:00 am this morning

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Pacific NW Scappoose, OR
And it starts.

Lilo: Mom, Mom I'm attacking your feet because you need to wake up, It's time and you can't oversleep, you need to feed all of us so you can go to where ever it is you go everyday.

Me: Lilo leave my feet alone, I get to sleep a little later today. I don't have to go to work until Wednesday I am on vacation.

Lilo: Mom you have got to wake up, quit just laying there what good is that doing us fur kids.

Me: Lilo please go play somewhere else, I really am looking forward to sleeping even an extra hour today, please, please go somewhere else or go back to sleep.

Lilo: OMG! mom you have got to get up! We are all going to die if you don't get up right now, I will bite your toes off if you don't get out of this nice warm bed and feet all of us.

Me: Lilo remember what it was like living at that dump where you were found, remember how cold and wet it was. Remember what it was like not having a nice dish of food and a bucket of fresh clean water. You moved in here, it is warm and you have Teddie to beat up all the time. You have fur friends to play with all day. You have a nice warm bed to sleep in. Either leave me alone or you will soon find out how cold it still is outside.

Lilo: Mom I'm dying here, All the lights in the house are off and my friends won't get up and play with me until you crawl off from under your warm blankets. Mom Teddie isn't moving he's just laying there like a lump. Freddie is also a fat larger lump. You have to get out of this bed NOW!

Me: Ok Lilo I'm up what are we supposed to all do now? Lilo why are you curled up sleeping on the couch all comfy not doing anything at all? Lilo I understand that some people require their kitties to catch mice and such to survive. You could be one of those kitties. Definitely no catnip for you today. Lilo where are you going now. Oh! back to that nice warm soft bed you made me get out of.

So day one of my vacation has started. Way earlier than I planned on but here it is. As for Lilo we will wait to see if he is still in a nice warm house by the end of the day. hee hee!

She's adorable! She sounds like MY Lilo - she loves to wake me up in the middle of the night by purring in my face so that I'll cuddle with her
Actually Lilo is a boy and because he came here wild and feral he will never be allowed to go outside. He will be an inside kitty for ever. At this moment he is chasing his doggie Teddie around and viciously attacking him because he won't lay still to be cleaned. This is one of his favorite past times. Apparently Teddie is a dirty dog. I am now able to pet Lilo at times and he will lay down and let me do it. We have come along way since the scared little guy who ran and hid the moment I moved to stand up or rearrange my sitting position. He is usually now very close to me even though he isn't yet laying on my lap. Time will progress and the day will come when he is fighting for lap space.
Haha, sounds like my cats. That is why they get stuck in the garage at night. Occasionally I feel bad and let them sleep with me, but they are just so happy that they get to sleep inside that they purr in my ear all night and no one sleeps!
Gotta love cats! Sounds like Lilo is a very lucky guy to have found you

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