Cost of a gelding procedure

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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2006
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Okinawa, Japan
Yes, I suppose the time has come to possibly look around to see what I might have to pay to have this done. Has anyone up here in the NW or in California had this done before? We are moving for sure down to California proir to April 10th so this could even happen down there. I know this sort of surgery costs more but I have searched all over what this type of surgery costs and I haven't had any luck at all. So any help would be great. Any info would help too. This is just so disappointing to think about but after reading the other posts I just don't think my lil dude is coming around.
I'm in VA and have no idea if the prices here are going to be helpful. If I remember right, it's about $125 for the proceedure on a yearling when the horse is fully dropped. My vet charges an escalating rate based on age of the horse. My vet has a reputation for "finding" them to be dropped or close enough to so no real invasive proceedure is needed in ones other vets said would need it (not any of my own, but some of my friends). I always have the vet doing other things to make the most of the farm call cost (usually do it in the spring... so get coggins, teeth floated, wolf teeth out, etc. with several horses here).
This really varies far too much from vet to vet, region to region and state to state for anyone other than your vet to give you a solid and helpful answer.

My vet does not do anything other than normal gelding procedures, she refers out for anything more. She said the vets she refers out to range from $450 to $1500 depending on how much looking around they have to do and such. Luckily my boy had all his bits and pieces present and accounted for so it was $120.
Here in Mo I paid $100 for regular gelding that was farm call and everything. They told me it would be $500- $600 if he hadnt dropped..
Wow, I'd love to pay $100-$200 for a gelding that IS dropped. My vet's quote is $400-$500 to geld, and that is one without any issues!

You really need to talk it over with your vet, the price really does vary too much from region to region.
Its 500 here for a mono crypt orchid. 125 for normal gelding procedure. This is why in my opinion these horses shouldnt be bred. Then you have to spend so much more money to geld them. Its a riskier sugery. Sorry you have to do one of these.
Here in Michigan we pay about $125 for a normal gelding procedure with the vet we use but a friend of mine just had to have a cryptorchid done and our vet did it in his office for $150. We were very surprised because we had always heard that this procedure could run from $500 to $1500. Needless to say my friend was very pleased.

I hope you can get as lucky as she did. Good luck!

I had two I took in last year for surgical gelding (ouch). The good news is that under sedation, the vet was able to locate the missing "boy" on one of them without invasive surgery so the cost was - I think about $350 or 400. The other guy was more like $750 (and was so worth it, his attitude is much improved LOL)

In So Cal, ok in Norco the vet there charges $ 250 for a normal gelding, you haul in. My vet that comes to my house in Redlands, is like $ 350 for a normal, I am afraid to even think what it would cost for the crypt....
I had one I bought for breeding and showing that never got his testicles. It cost me $1000 to have them surgicaly removed.(talk about adding insult to injury!! It cost me $6,500 to buy him.)

A regular gelding job with both testicles decended is $125 here. When I had my older boy done, 14, I had to bring him up to the vets to stay overnight, as the older stallions bleed a lot more and they wanted to keep an eye on him over night. That cost $250.
Kourtney, it cost me $1800 to geld Danny, I am sorry to say. You can probably get it done cheaper at some other vets (I use Pilchuck, they are definitely higher end), but it is not going to be cheap around here no matter what.

Something you might want to look into is the vet schools. We have WSU over in Pullman, and also OSU down in Eugene. I know you could get it done cheaper there, but then you have the hauling costs to deal with.

Good luck!
here in maine it's like $300-$400 for a regular gelding and i got quoted $1500 everywhere to geld my one ball paul! I was thinking about seeing what it cost in OK to geld a crypt and if it's a lot cheaper i'd take him with me to nationals and have him done there.. that would give him a week to heal before the trip home..LOL
1 1/2 years ago it was $350-$400 here for a simple geld. Our vets here have an assoc. and all get together and set the price. There is one small animal (dog and cat) (under 30lbs) that for the most part doesn't have the prices held by the other vets. He also does not have vet assistants. Anyway, You can't find a cheaper vet. The next problem here is that the vets in my area do not view minis as real horses and so they do not deserve the care of their larger counterparts. I think there is a vet in Chilcoot that does minis. I think it would be cheeper to go to Sacramento for equine care.
It's $1500 to $2500 here for a crypt. Thats what some of my clients have paid or been quoted. I can't blame them if they don't want to geld them at that price. I lucked out with one of mine it only cost me $750 but that was quite a while ago. ANY vet work in this area is not cheap and we are lucky we do have some great vets but the cost of living here is unbelievable. Linda
Well in my area of the NorthWest it is $150-250 for a normal gelding. A crypt runs up to $2000, I did call WSU Pullman and it wasn't any cheaper, then you have at least two trips there. One to drop off and the other when they get released. If they do a crypt you know they have to stay up to 5 days. Good luck, Patty
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Since living in Wyoming we've only had standard gelding procedures done but I sure am glad I live here after reading some of these prices!!
Last year it cost $70 to geld a coming two year old.
I would definitely call around. Even within your area prices are going to vary, and so will quality of service.
My POA only has one dangly. Vet said it would be $1200 and up, depending on just where the other one is (she sedated him and still couldn't find it). NOT FUN. I'm waiting on getting my income tax refund, then he's off to get it done.... sigh....

Wow!! I can't believe the cost of the procedure in some areas! My vet has been charging $75 for a regular gelding procedure and $125 to geld a monorchid. I've never had a horse that had both missing.
Wow!! I can't believe the cost of the procedure in some areas! My vet has been charging $75 for a regular gelding procedure and $125 to geld a monorchid. I've never had a horse that had both missing.
Don't know how long ago that was, Becky, but I think Dr. Dave may have gone up. He was out to geld 2 for me just last month. One of them only had one dropped so we couldn't do it here. I'm thinking he said around $400 to do the monorchid. I haven't done it yet!

I know last year I called around the area for quotes and they ranged from $400 to $800. That's sure a lot, but seems to be a pretty good price compared to other states.


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