I am not a 'fan' of any 'western pleasure' or 'stock type' driving classes. I don't honestly think a breed registry is doing itself any favors by adding this as another class. We already have FOUR types of driving classes! Park, Single, Country, and Roadster. Primarly, though there are three 'pleasure' type driving classes available. I think we need to sort out and ENFORCE the differences there are SUPPOSED to be between Single Pleasure and Country Pleasure, and if that was done, there wouldn't BE a need for a Western Pleasure class.
I believe the problem with the line between Country Pleasure and Single Pleasure being so blurred is becuase there is a trickle-down effect from the fact that there are so few true 'Park' horses. Everyone one wants to win, but there are only so many 'top' horses. So, if you have a high-stepping horse, but he's not the 'best' park horse out there, he only places in the middle of a class of ten all the time; what do you do? You put him in the Single Pleasure. Now, he's the highest stepping thing out there, so he wins. You're happy, but what just happened to the 'Single Pleasure' horses that had been up near the top of the class? Now that the 'middler' of the Park Horses have moved down to their division, the 'middlers' of the Single Pleasure division moved down to the Country Pleasure class. Now, what's happened to the Country Pleasure? Nothing SHOULD have happened, because if the guidelines for a 'true' Country Pleasure horse are strictly followed, the Single Pleasure horses SHOULD NOT BE WINNING! But, they are. That leaves no place for TRUE Country Pleasure horse to have a chance to win. So, now, the 'solution' is a Western Pleasure driving horse. This to me is not a solution, but just continues the trickle-down another layer.
I personally think they need to 'fix' the Country Pleasure judging. Yes, the 'fix' might end up looking more like a Western Pleasure class that it does now, but this is probably MORE (although not exactly) what Country Pleasure was originally intended to be. Before it was corrupted by the trickle-down from the Single Pleasure classes.
Maybe the Country Pleasure class needs to be reworked instead of adding a Western Pleasure, just rename the Country Pleasure to Hunter under Harness. I think that is REALLY the type of horse that should be winning in Country Pleasure now, not a Western Pleasure horse, and certainly not a trickle-down, checked up, high energy, no knee-action, Single Pleasure horse. I think part of the problem is that a lot of judges and competitors cannot really picture in their minds the differences between Country and Single Pleasure. But, I think that people could easily picture the difference between Hunter and Single.
And, for those who are saying we shouldn't be looking to the Quarter Horses for 'good' examples of what a Western Pleasure driving horse is supposed to look like, then what Breed should we look to? I don't think it would make any sense at all for the miniatures to create a Western Pleasure class, and then totally go make up our own idea of what 'right' looks like. We would again be a boat adrift, just as we let ourselves be with Country Pleasure. Country is a created class with no established 'look', so it is hard to define. If we went with Hunter, there is already a well established 'type' to look to. If we go with Western Pleasure, there are also well defined types out the (established by the Quarter Horse and Paint world, etc.). I don't think we need to be making up the 'type' as we go along.
Sorry to go off on a rant, I fell really strongly about this. But, going back to your original question, judging only from the one still photo, if I was a judge for a Western Pleasure class, I would feel that your horse is too high headed, not relaxed enough, and that your reins are too tight. And, although the other person who posted a picture didn't ask for my opinion, I hope they won't mind if I give it anyway, as maybe it will help to define what I think a Western Pleasure horse should look like. In the second photo, the horse's head is still to high for my taste, and his nose is sticking out more that I would like. He is more relaxed looking and is reaching forward nicely, but still not in my ideal frame. Of course, those are just my opinions, and they are worth nothing. What matters is what the judges think, and I have not been to a show to actually see one of these classes.
But, as a last word, I think adding a Western Pleasure driving division is not the best way to 'fix' the problem with the Country Pleasure class no longer being a place where a Country Pleasure horse can actually win, and that, I feel, is the reason for this division being created.
eEited to correct some bolding and underline mistakes, and to add clarity.