Crate training

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I have 2 crates. Mitzy has her own as does Jack. Well Jack is not happy about haveing to be in it. HE was good the first day and night. Now he is bad. I will cry and howl for about 5 or so min. then he will go to sleep.

Well I had to run out early this morn so I let them go potty and went out. He wouldnt stop crying and howling. I put him in with Mitzy while I was gone. Her crate is more then big enough for the both of them, right now anyway. I have a large kennel for her.

Is this a bad idea to let them be in the same one together?
Geez Ash, I guess if it works I would do it for now. When it is not roomy enough you could put his crate right by hers so he feels like he is with her?? You can't have him making a racket when you gone, that's for sure.
I do put him in his own at night, and I will again later when I have to go out for a couple hours. I just didtn want him wakeing up the neighbors at 5 am but then again shes got a begal on the other side of her that never shuts up.

His is right next to hers but he still crys alot, which in turn makes her start crying.
I'm not sure if its bad or not, but we have done it with our dogs (mostly just when we happened to tell them to go to bed and they both crawled into the same one). We will leave them there, and they seem to work out ok. Some days they are just sookier than others and don't want to be apart. Other days they won't even look at each other and are quite happy to go to their "own rooms"
Most days though, they just go into their own beds out of habit. I'd say that as long as they both still have ample "alone time" at night and such putting them together once in awhile won't hurt. Of course, watch for problems and if you have any set backs, just stop doing it.

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