Critiqe My Style Plz

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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Hey Guys,

Could you critiqe my jumping style and my horses. I would very much appreciate it!! Thanks everyone!!


If that is you why did you black out your face?

The only thing that stands out immediately is you appear to be about to spur your horse right in the flanks :new_shocked: :new_shocked: which could make for a really fun show :bgrin
I am not wearing spurs. I never do and I never will - especially on the horse I am riding. In the picture I am trying to get her calm because she was being a mentle freak lol so I was taking her over some low jumps to calm her down.

It is one of my Mums rules that if I post pictures of myself on the net I hae to black out my fcae and the other people I know that are also in the picture. She says I have to do that because it is on a public forum which anyone could go on. I don't know why though but I love this site so I just do it to please her.

I know that I have this really bad habbit of my heels slipping back when I am jumping but my heels are only jut touching her because she is really forwrd moving so I have to keep my legs really really light.
Ok here goes. Your leg has slid back very far making it very ineffective. Idealistically it should be nearly at the girth. your toes should be pointed slightly out with your heel down. This is happening because you are jumping ahead of your horse. you REALLY REALLY need to sit and WAIT for your horse to jump. it's perfectly capable of jumping without you launching it over the jump. I bet you if you sat down and said "wait wait wait" and think about sitting OVER the jump and learn to jump with your horse, it wou ldn't be quiet as tense and uppidty. with a jump this small you really CAN pretty much sit over the whole jump. you should not have to be up as high or as far forward as you are for a jump this little. this only encourages the horse to rush the jump and fling itself over. remember to SIT and only raise a little..let the horse come up to you. (can't stress this enough). Although i cannot tell because you have blotted out your face, it appears that you are looking down. This has only hindered your already unstable possition by rocking your whole body forward and down. remember you AND the horse follow where your looking and where your head is (your head if very heavy...while riding you can influence your horse just by shifting your head). so remember to look UP. Pick a point in the distance as your approaching the fence..don't even LOOK at the fence. sit sit sit keep watching your point (like up in a tree or something so your head is up) and just let your horse do it's job. i guarantee that things will flow smoother for you. You MUST work on strenghtening your lowever leg which will support your whole upper body. by doing this it will help your possition. i'd suggest sitting on your horse(while it's standing still) and practice with NO hands (with your hands out to your side) trying to stand and sit in the saddle to develop your 2 and 3 point seat. you should be absolutely able to do this without using your hands to pull you up and it also develops your leg muscles. you should also practice SITTING without slamming down on the horses should go up slowly and down slowly. when your able to do it at the halt try it at the trot (which is similar to posting but REGULATE your posting so it's slow) then the canter! really strengthen your EYES and your LEGS. those are my two best words of advice..get your eyes ALWAYS looking ahead to where your going (let the horse worry about the jump), Strenghten your legs so you can affectively use your whole body and WAIT for the horse. if you can do those things you should do fantastic at a show and you should be able to ride just abou tany horse! another thing i want to ad... is over a jump this size your butt should only be out of the saddle a couple inches.. in this photo you are WAY out of the saddle and WAY ahead of the saddle. your crotch should NOT be infront of the saddle. your hip angle should be much more closed which would put you lower to the saddle and help you stay WITH his/her motion instead of ahead.
Thankyou for your words of wisdom. Were there any good things I was doing while jumping in that picture????????????
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lol sorry i should have added some nice stuff in there. LOL it just got long and i forgot what i had written. You have good hands in the photo your not interfereing with the horses mouth (jerking him..and letting him bascule over the jump). you've given your horse enough rein to use his head and neck to get bascule. it's hard to tell from the angle of the photo but it looks like you probably have a nice flat back. My guess is if you could get yourself in order.. IE. your legs under you and your possition more secure you'll be a very effective and good rider and will do well competitively as well. How long have you been jumping for?

lol sorry i should have added some nice stuff in there. LOL it just got long and i forgot what i had written. You have good hands in the photo your not interfereing with the horses mouth (jerking him..and letting him bascule over the jump). you've given your horse enough rein to use his head and neck to get bascule. it's hard to tell from the angle of the photo but it looks like you probably have a nice flat back. My guess is if you could get yourself in order.. IE. your legs under you and your possition more secure you'll be a very effective and good rider and will do well competitively as well. How long have you been jumping for?
Lol sorry I just got blown away by all the wrong things I do but I am going to print our the things I need to improve on that you said and try and practise making me better.

I have been riding 5 years but only jumping for about 2-3 months. I have competed but not in jumping but I plan to in the future hopefully lol.

What do you think about my horse Ally??


oh so you haven't been jumping long at all. Here's another tip.. almost imagine yourself falling behind he horse when it jumps or almost like overexagerating leaning back over the fence (not erally but make yourself feel sort of like that) and it should help you stay with the horse more at this point. instead of being too far forward think of going too far backwards. You can also practice staying with the horse by shutting your eyes a few strides before the jump. that way your not anticipating him taking off and you wont jump a head. gymnastic work helps some too. have someone help you set up a double or triple bounce. that will get you having to sit back imediately comming down from a jump so your prepaired for the next. (bounce is a jump close enough so the horse doesn't even take one's just he touches down then takes right back off again).

Your horse is lovely. she looks very atheletic and scopey. She is a little loose in her front end (lets her front legs dangled a bit over jumps)...but i think it's because it's a small X rail and it sort of encourages laziness. i think you'll have a nice mare to work up to 2'-3' range
Thanx. I will try and practise what you have said.

Thanks for you time it was much appreciated!!


I really enjoyed reading your comments. I really miss riding and doing a little jumping. You not only pointed out what needed working on but how to go about it. Wonderful job.

thanks for the kind words robin. I love to help out where i can. I learned most of my knowlege the hard way! lol I grew up eventing and am a freak about it and dressage. love to jump. If i can shed light on stuff and try to explain it in a simple straight forward way i try to. unfortunatly from photo's sometimes it's hard to tell how good or bad a rider really is..that is only one second in time. i can't tell you how many bad photo's i've gotten of very good riders ...doesn't mean they are bad riders..just means that's what they looked like at that second in time.

Yesterday I tried the closing my eyes 2 - 4 strides before the jump. It really helped alot then after jumping me and my friend went for a hack in the forest across the road to cool the horses down and have abit of an adventure which it was buts thats a whole other story lol. I will try more of you tips today. Thanks very very much for helpig me.


glad to hear it helped
keep practicing and read lots of books and look at lots of photo's that show good form over fences..then try to emulate it as closely as possible. should help you some
Cute mare; looks like she has it in her to do bigger fences when you are ready. I like that she's even in the knees, even over a smaller fence. She uses her neck well. She looks like a likeable gal.

Are you wanting to do hunters, jumpers, CT, or all of the above? The hunter ring is going to be the least forgiving about mistakes in form. I agree that your leg has slipped back, which has thrown off the rest of your body, right down to your line of sight. Once you get your legs sorted out, the rest will quickly fall into place. Might shorten the stirrups a hole. Your back does appear a bit rounded, but are you wearing a crash vest? That might be changing the appearance (but good for you if you are wearing a vest). You have a nice release and you don't look tentative at all! You look like you are itching to be put on bigger fences, am I right? :bgrin

Back when I was jumping, I found it so beneficial to really work on my strength. Sit-ups were a must for me, as they strengthen your back as well as your belly. Squats are good too (when you are young and have good knees). Being lunged without irons and reins is good for balance and settling the legs. Trotting cavaletti poles in 2 point until your legs burn, and then trotting some more will also help. If you don't feel sore muscles the morning after a jumping lesson, you aren't working hard enough (at least according to my sadistic trainers)! Any chance you get (stairs, curbs, etc), sttttretchhh those tendons in your calves, the ones that let you drop your heels.

It looks like you and your mare are having fun, and that's great to see; thanks for sharing. OK, I'm gonna have to break out my old photo albums and remember those wonderful days.
Cute mare; looks like she has it in her to do bigger fences when you are ready. I like that she's even in the knees, even over a smaller fence. She uses her neck well. She looks like a likeable gal.

Are you wanting to do hunters, jumpers, CT, or all of the above? The hunter ring is going to be the least forgiving about mistakes in form. I agree that your leg has slipped back, which has thrown off the rest of your body, right down to your line of sight. Once you get your legs sorted out, the rest will quickly fall into place. Might shorten the stirrups a hole. Your back does appear a bit rounded, but are you wearing a crash vest? That might be changing the appearance (but good for you if you are wearing a vest). You have a nice release and you don't look tentative at all! You look like you are itching to be put on bigger fences, am I right? :bgrin

Back when I was jumping, I found it so beneficial to really work on my strength. Sit-ups were a must for me, as they strengthen your back as well as your belly. Squats are good too (when you are young and have good knees). Being lunged without irons and reins is good for balance and settling the legs. Trotting cavaletti poles in 2 point until your legs burn, and then trotting some more will also help. If you don't feel sore muscles the morning after a jumping lesson, you aren't working hard enough (at least according to my sadistic trainers)! Any chance you get (stairs, curbs, etc), sttttretchhh those tendons in your calves, the ones that let you drop your heels.

It looks like you and your mare are having fun, and that's great to see; thanks for sharing. OK, I'm gonna have to break out my old photo albums and remember those wonderful days.
Kool thanks, more things to practise. I havent been riding for a couple of days tho because my mare cut all up her back leg - plus Im grounded

Thanks I have alot to practise which is great!!
I was trying to resist, but I can't! The instructor in me wants Out! :bgrin

I completly agree with everything already stated. Though, personally I like to see alot more butt muscle in my animals, which is indicitave of my dressage heritage. Your mare looks like a decent little mare, and has a nice overall expression. The height at which she is clearing this simple x leads me to think that she is also a bit new to Jumping, as well as the position of her hind legs, (Not even take off, one way farther ahead and a little cocked out versus the other) I would work on strengthing her as well. Lots of shoulder in and haunches in, as well as getting her accoustomed to pivioting to light leg pressue, which will allow you to adjust her over the fences. ALso, only jump maybe 2ce a week if that, this is hard on them, and a horse only has so many "jumps" in them before you have issues. I would also invest in a joint program for her IMO.

As far as you, Boinky hit it straight on the head. If you were mine, you would still be confined to a lunge line, with no reins/stirrups, and on my quietest school pony, over small X's, and perhaps with your eyes closed eventually. Jumping is a Feel sport in reality, and honestly folks screw up more when they are busy looking all the time. (Hence over anticipating, as you are doing.)

I would find someone else to school on horse wise, and have someone with a bit more experience school your mare for a bit.

She needs more strength, as even in this little jump, the height she is going and how strung out she is indicates her lack of muscling as well as experience, also I would do lots and lots of half halting to build up her tummy and back.

For you, I would make it a mandatory 15 min a day posting no stirrups, and if you have trouble with keeping you heel's down, (Legs sliding back and poor heels down usually go together) put your stirrups on backward. Really, Slip your heel into the front part of your stirrup so that your toes are dangling off the edge. This Forces you to keep 'em down, as if you raise they, bye bye stirrups. Hope some of this makes sense/helps, and Good luck!
Yea, this picture was taken when I first got her. She was only 4 and had been ruined by someone that expected her to jumps for 3/4 hour straight when she was straight from the paddock and was completely unfit. She was sold to me as a horse that couldnt jump. I was told that after a few jumps she just started kocking in to them and barging them. I got her abit fitter then tried a few jumps myself with her and she was fine, she loves jumping and has a big heart, never refuses, barges, runs out etc etc. I had a girl that got on her for me and jumping 1.10m with ease. I have only jumped 95cm with her.

She is only 5 at the moment so I am keeping things small and easy.


The instructor and judge in me also comes out. To me in this picture the thing that sticks out is it looks like you are gripping up with your knees, when grip on with your knees the lower leg always comes away and is in effective and when jumping slips back flaps in the breeze. You are also not flexing though your torso or using your seat just pitching forward over the fence which makes you very insecure and ineffective as the only point of contact yo have with the saddle is at the knee. However I like that you are not catching the horse in the mouth - nothing p#%@ me off more than riders who do..

Your mare looks to be a nice mare, obviously a TB.. What is her brand. I love TB pedigrees...

The Tb in my avatar (who I still own) is a lakenheath son out of a Bahroona mare..
LOL isn't it funny how the instructor in you always wants out? LOL even when your trying to be good and NOT let him/her out? LOL

i agree victoria,

She DOES look like she's gripping with her knee's. i think it would help some if she were to turn her toes outwards a bit which helps to turn the whole knee some. She just REALLY needs to strengthen her base of support (ie. legs, and of course her whole body) to get them under herself and i think she'll start doing better as far as her possition goes. I also agree nothing ticks me off more than them grabbing at the poor horses mouth! lol

Spotted pony, i couldn't agree with you more I think alot of people over analyze jumping WAY too much and use their eyes far more than nessary. I think there is a time and place for counting strides..but i think you see alot of times people use that as their "crutch" method for jumping NOT as a helpful aid. I see people saying "oh 5 strides here, 2 there, 16 here" ect ect ect and they actually ride the whole course based on strides..WHICH is fine if it's an equitation type class where you have to be spot on..but on the other hand i see alot of people doing that when infact they are throwing the horse off because their stridign is NOT right for the horse and they basically never let the horse be himself and learn to jump by himself. I think alot of people just need to let go of the "power" of controll and let the horse lead sometimes! feel definatly is a big part of it and i relise not everyone can "feel" either.
I think maybe the reason I am gripping with my knee is because I can't turn my toes out because then my heels would be touching her, she is a very very touchy horse, I just think walk and she walks, if I touch her sides then she is off :saludando: I have to have very very light legs and not touch her. I am trying to get her used to my legs touching her when we are out hacking but it is taking a while.

Yes, she is a TB. She was bred at Fayet Park in 2000. He sire is called Prized and I am not sure about her dam.

I got her of a girl from my ponclub who worked her like she was a 7yr fit horse but she was 4yrs and completely unfit. If she had taken some time with her and got her fit and taken thigs slowely she would of been a wicked jumper for her but luckily I got her sold to me and this girl brought another TB mare who sucks even worse at jumping because this girl ruins her horses from jabbing there mouths and whipping them and thinking she hasn't got comtrol and putting harsh bits in there mouths. She has ruined the 4 horses has had so far which to me is really really sad.

I will have to wrok really hard today with this. My mate and I do abit of jumping at our paddocks then we go for a hack out in the forest and sometimes have a race all the way up this track, we gallop all the way there and all the way back which our horses love!!

Thanks again. Can't wait to ride today.


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