Critique My Stallion!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
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New York
I would like to know exactly what everyone thinks of my stallion. Be honest!!

Rivers Edge Trial By Fire


33" Palomino Tovero Stallion

Rivers Edge Black Velvet Snowfire X Diamond In Onyx of Misty Meadows

Snowfire is a 5 time national driving champion

Diamond is a world top 10 producer

I'm no good at critiquing, so just read what everyone else says; but did want to say, I think he's a very handsome fellow.
I think I would look at him as a performance horse sire. I am not sure I would use him to sire halter horses. The main reason is in that picture he does appear to be a bit butt high. Other than that he does look balanced. Nice horse.
I am by far an expert, but this is what I see when I look at his picture:

He is a bit thicker boned than I like in a stallion and is long in the body. Nice length of neck (could be a little longer, but not sure how much the angle of the picture is throwing me off) and I love his little ears and big eye. Good tail set and a decent hip and shoulder. His neck set looks good, but it's hard to tell at the angle again (same with the length of his head).

He's really not a bad looking horse!
I really, really like this guy, he's put together nicely and has a lot of presence. As mentioned above, his biggest issue is that he's fairly heavy boned by today's halter standards in both AMHA and amhr. Especially since people prefer to breed the finer boned, refined stallions to mares that are built more like your guy. He's just a touch "old style" but that's appealing to some and if that's what you're breeding for then he will fit your program. He does need some toning, but that won't affect the length of his neck or thickness of bone in his legs.

He may make a heck of a driving horse if he's got some movement?

But overall he's got great conformation, all the nuts and bolts are where they should be.

I like his tiny ears, beautiful, soft eyes, general presense, tailset, croup and hip. I don't care for his head, neck, shoulder, length of back or thickness of bone. However....I think he's nicer than most stallions I see being used! Sure, there are some top notch, drop dead gorgeous stallions out there, but I think there are many, many farms that this stallion would be an improvement for.
He is leaning forward a little too much and so his front feet are back under him--this straightens his shoulder--I'd like to see him stood up with his front legs perpendicular to the ground and then I think his shoulder would look better.

Some have commented that he's long, but he's got good length of hip and shoulder, and a horse with good hip and shoulder will look longer than a horse with short hi and or shoulder--really his back length is proportionate to his hip and shoulder--he is much better balanced than a good majority of Minis.
I like him. Yes he is thicker boned but I personally like that type of built. Love his hip, nice length of neck, great tail set, its hard to comment on his top line since he isn't standing very good, nice shoulder. IMO I think the only complaint I see with him is his head looks a little roman nose, which isn't very desirable, but he doesn't have a bad head, its not large.
He is a well balanced boy with a nice hip and decent shoulder. He is not long at all. A little coarse (heavy boned for todays show ring). His neck is a bit thick, but with exercise and neck sweating, that would improve. He has nice tiny ears, but his head seems to be a bit plain (no dish), but some people like that. I surely would not breed him to heavy boned mares.
I agree with those above- basicly is that he is a bit thick for a halter horse. I bet he would make a nice driver though. He could cross well with some finer mares with dainty heads....
I love his head, a nice tail set (which is often hard to get in minis), and his shoulder and hip have a good angle plus are balanced with each other. His mid section is a bit long and his neck ties into his chest a bit low. You should have some pretty foals if you cross him with the right mares.
I was going to use him for driving foals. I did breed him to my mares but both of them are very refined with pretty faces.

This is my new stallion Sunnyside Jonibuck Hez 3X Arebel (Johnny) he will be my halter sire


For halter, I think the first horse is put together better conformationally. The second horse, although a slightly longer neck, is not as well balanced and doesn't have as good of a hip and tail set as the first horse does.
To clarify, I was referring to his leg length to body length when I said he was long in the body. He is not really long in the back, just could use more leg. I agree with disneyhorse-I like your original stallion better. Much better back end.

By the way, kudos to you for asking for opinions and striving to create an excellent breeding program
Wow...shocked people like my current stud more. The second one I just bought is an AMHA World Top 5 stud...
A show title does not necessarily mean a lot, because there are many factors.

A Top Ten out of eight horses in the class may not speak as much as if there were sixty in the class. A win as a yearling might not mean as much as a win as a mature horse. I don't know of the circumstances of your horse's title, but just going by the photos shown here, the older first stallion is more conformationally balanced. Lighter bone at the expense of good conformation may not be the right choice? It just depends on what the goal of your breeding program.
I want to produce finer modern halter minis...

I know his class had 25 in it
Took these today hard to stop him from leaning forward if he thinks I have a peppermint he's all over it LOL. Here is a good head shot of him too.


Wow...shocked people like my current stud more. The second one I just bought is an AMHA World Top 5 stud...
Well, I do like the second stallion best for halter. He looks more like what is in the show ring. Where I would expect the first stallion to be a pulling fool.

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