Darla's official foaling thread.

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It is so hard to see her right now. she looked like she was jerking or wiggling but it may be the cam.. its blurry and squiggly on her
I wish she'd move so we could tell what she's doing!
Yea I agree. Poor girl seems uncomfortable.
I have got the back up vet coming by today sometime (he is gonna call when he is close so i dont know what time). I have just gotten nervous...between her feet issues and her udder going back down some, and her STILL not foaling! I think having him actually come and touch her will make me feel better!
That will be nice to have him check her Jess! Hope it eases any fear for you!

She is up now near the camera. Maybe she's grazing near her food area? She holds her tail up pretty often too.
Yeah Megan, her salt and mineral blocks are under the camera and so is her food dish. I know that her stall is full of hay, but i like to put some nice fresh hay in her food dish for her!
I think a vet check is very wise, I know the professionals don't often need to but I ususlly get my girls checked over if i am unsure about anything. Foaling is stressing enough without having any added problems of feet.
this way too, if i have to make a 2am call he will be familiar with her. hopefully that wont be necessary tho!
I told the lady in his office that she was on marestare...i dont think she had heard of it before..she was excited to pull her up! (maybe she will become marestare obsessed like me...then i would pretty much have a vet on standby at all times!)
Yeah i think that is very wise, I gave my vet the link too, luckily he can't speak English bc all the girls on MS pulled up the "cute vet alert"
Good to see our girl up and eating this morning.

I got up and checked her every couple hours during the night.

Very glad to hear you've got a back up vet to become aquainted with Darla, before she foals.

It'll make both you more comfortable should you need him during or after the birth.

I had a thought during the night about her feet. Did your farrier check for a digital pulse

on her front feet? If he didn't maybe you could ask the vet to do that?

I am remembering one of my old boarder horses I had years ago - he was like 30 years old. He had some front feet issues and was very uncomfortable on the front end - it wasn't laminitis just some age related issue. My farrier came out and made him pads for his front feet to make him more comfortable.

They were made from that dense construction insulation, you can buy at any home improvement store. They were cut just a bit larger than the size of his hooves and duck taped on. -- The duck tape was used only on the hoof area and not above the coronet band.

That old guy felt so good after you could tell it provided him a lot of comfort - like someone had brought him his favorite pair of slippers.

Anyway, just a thought....of something that might make Darla more comfy until she is thru carrying this pregnancy.

I'll be gone for a few hours this afternoon to go take a granddaughter to lunch for her birthday but will be back on duty after.
Hey Jess,

If you get this before the vet arrives.....

While the doc is there maybe he could check her teeth?

Good time while he's there to see if she'd shed the appropriate

caps to allow her adult teeth to come in.

Save a vet check later on, maybe.
The vet confirmed what i thought it was. Her frogs are tender. He padded and wrapped them. He told me to use baby diapers when i take them off and re-pad them!!! I can't wait for someone new to pop her cam up just in time to see me diapering her feet!!!
No banamine. He doesnt think she needs it right now. He pulled blood for a coggins so i wont have to go back for that. He said that it is hard to tell how far away from foaling she is. All of the crazy things that she has been doing can be the onset of labor...or it could just mean the foal is laying in an uncomfortable position, or that she is a little colicy. He did say that she has very good conformation and that he really doesnt think she will have any trouble foaling...so that makes me feel better!
The vet confirmed what i thought it was. Her frogs are tender. He padded and wrapped them. He told me to use baby diapers when i take them off and re-pad them!!! I can't wait for someone new to pop her cam up just in time to see me diapering her feet!!!
No banamine. He doesnt think she needs it right now. He pulled blood for a coggins so i wont have to go back for that. He said that it is hard to tell how far away from foaling she is. All of the crazy things that she has been doing can be the onset of labor...or it could just mean the foal is laying in an uncomfortable position, or that she is a little colicy. He did say that she has very good conformation and that he really doesnt think she will have any trouble foaling...so that makes me feel better!
i am so glad to hear she is going to be ok. I'm sure the Dr out has given everyone a peace of mind now! Poor Darla, but having that foal would take some weight off her too.
o... and while he was there, she had a small amount of discharge from her vulva. it had no smell and he said it could be from labor or just a small urinary thing. She had dried milk on the insides of her back legs again too!! He said that could be a labor thing or just a horomonal thing.
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