Darla's official foaling thread.

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I hope Darla gets some relief from the meds!
A COUPLE OF WEEKS!! Sorry but i think there needs to be something done before a couple weeks... when maybe she foals!! What did he say about blood work...did he test it for anything!! not to sound too harsh but really the coggins test that the vet did means ZERO...heck I dont pull coggins on all my horses yearly...thats the last thing that poor Darla needs.IMO Banamine...thats only going to relief a little discomfort for a period of time ...ITS NOT REALLY GETTING TO THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM.

Jess, I know you want this baby but like Renee says...no foal is worth putting this mare through this much. Sorry but stop testing the milk and playing with her udder and get a vet out that will actually try to get to the source of her discomfort!! Not just give her a dang aspirin!Something is going on here AND ITS NOT YOUR FAULT....please Im not blaming you at all....you've been seeking advice and helping Darla as much as you can but the dang vet should be a little more on the ball!!Sorry about the rant...

Well said Heidi..its what we'r all thinking..Poor Darla cant put up with that pain any longer and its not fair on you either Jess having to stand by and watch
Get a second opinion and lets see some action rather than words
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here here heidi and Lindi, Jess we love you too much n Darla to see either of you hurting did the vet give you a poultice to help drain the rest of the absess out? did he give you the blood results back?? did he try n feel the foal moving at alll? I would definit;ey get a second opinion JMHO but I wouldn't want to risk it....

thats good about her milk tasting sweet, I will be able to watch for some periods during the day,,,

hope your able to get sone REAL answers,


Ok, I am going to try to say this without hurting anyone's feelings. Myself, my vet, and my farrier are all here. We can see, touch, and feel her in person. We are following what we think is the best course of action for her. If you don't like what you see, then please stop watching. I put Darla on marestare so that I could have extra eyes on her to help monitor her for signs of labor when I am not able to watch her or when I am sleeping. NOT to be ganged up on about her care. I have had more than one person call me and be ugly to me on the phone, and I am seriously starting to regret the decision to make her cam public. If you only want to critisize then please dont hit the reply button and move on to the next thread. That being said, I really do appreciate all of you who are watching so that I can get some sleep. Jess
1 through 6 thats perfect Diane....really informative and helpful advice. I really appreciated your post too b/c its for any one w/a pet that is sick.We live w/our animals and see them day in and day out and unless we spell everything out to the vet its hard for them to diagnose. Vets arent magicians...the more we can tell them the more they will check and be able to help. But i do think that Jess's vet is dropping the ball.

Jess you are not hurting my feelings...Im a little tougher than that... but if a few feelings get hurt so be it!! Darlas feelings are whats important.

As I said before I do not blame you at all..you are doing great w/her....but maybe you are being a little too nice to your vet...time to kick ask and get some answers!! Starting w/ 1 thru 6 w/Dianes post!!
Well, I guess I'm not going to be very popular here. I think everyone's frustration is showing, and we need to focus on Darla and be positive in our approach to her care.

Jess, this is not your fault. We all know this is a new mare to you, without much history to go on, and you have been doing what you would normally do for a pregnant mare. I cannot say that you are not doing everything you can for Darla, because I think your trying very hard. I know you love her, and I'm pleased that you took the time to get the vet out a second time. I'm also glad that he found something wrong with her this time, and is PARTIALLY treating it. But, I think you deserve MORE from the vet than he is giving. The VETS are letting you and Darla down, and you're paying for it, so insist that you want some answers -- and want them soon.

By the way, Banamine takes about 30 minutes to work, and why didn't he give some type of anitbiotic for infection?

I'm sure no one means to lash out at you, but rather the situation. Everyone here has been very concerned about Darla, and the length of time she has seemed to be struggling with this foaling--or whatever it is. YOU have been a good momma, and I'm pleased that you got concerned enough to call out the vet a second time.

I know that you're feeling it too -- as this has gone on for a long time and you've (we've) been up and down watching her and being concerned about her. I would insist that he come sooner than later, since you've been tiring yourself out for over a month. Just tell him you don't want to wait any longer, and you want some answers to her apparent discomfort and problems.

I would have a further talk with him, just to give him a heads up and seek more of an opinion. You need to let him know that you want this taken seriously and need some answers. Give him the rundown:

1. She has been having this discharge for over 1 month, so it's not a mucous plug--what is it? Shouldn't it be cultured?

2. That she has been showing signs of foaling for a month or more with no furtherence--no foal.

3. That she has been showing her foot problem and painful feet for the better of the past month, as well. Gingerly walking and spending an incredible amount of time laying down.

4. Tell him you are concerned, that she is sometimes quite off her feed, non-pooping for almost a day at a time.

5. Give him her temperature records and a description of what her udder changes have been with dates.

6. I would ask him to do some routine blood work, to check kidney and liver functions, etc., and tell him you just want an overall health check, because you feel something just isn't quite right. I personally would let him know ONCE HE GETS THERE, that you have asked him for his professional opinion twice, and now it's time to test and really find out. I'd tell him he can "waive" his farm call since he's already gotten one twice for essentially nothing but "observation." He doesn't even know if the abscess is infection and/or what kind of bacteria is at the route cause.

I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but do a full review of the thread so you can give "dates and information" that give the full picture of what's been happening. That will help him in working on a diagnoses and let him better know Darla. He's seeing a pregnant mare and a concerned owner -- but he should be seeing "the horse" and the fact that there is something there that just doesn't seem quite right to you.

I'm a bit perturbed by both vets, as I think they have let you down, and not done true examinations of Darla. They are "guessing" without testing, and that why we call for a "professional" opinion -- all WE can do is guess -- the VET is supposed to test and diagnose. Don't let him off that easily -- he is not doing what you are paying him to do.

I know you're frustrated, and believe me -- no one's frustration is really aimed at you. You have been monitoring her udder, her temperature, etc. You have been doing things, and your vets have not been helping you. I would call him again, and tell him you want him back out there tomorrow to do a diagnostic exam so you know what you're dealing with.

Remember, the vet works for you. You're paying for his expertise -- not guesses. Darla's health is at stake, and you want her to be given the vet care that she deserves. Make him give you answers -- and I know that you will feel better and you'll know what is going on with Darla.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} JMHO ~~Diane

Diane I totally agree with everything you are saying

Jess we are not trying to upset you or put down your care of Darla!!

that is the last thing we want to do!!!

we love you n Darla so much and want to help the both of you out!

I'm sorry if what I said has offended you believe me I certainly didn't mean for it too.... I have had horses with absesses and my vet had a poultice on for over a week! with antibiotics to clear up anything nasty, now I know darla is pregnant Dah LOL

but still I'm sure there must be something else your vet could give,

I would honestly get a second opinion, we don't want you or Darla to get hurt and have both your best interests at heart believe me!

I know you are sick of this, I am here with you... she can't keep you waiting too much longer honey, we are here watching with you and are so thankful that you have her up on marestare!

we want to make sure that Darla has the best pregnancy and foaling possible and think that something more could be done for her...

I am really sorry if our comments are hurting you it is not intended...

I am as new to this as you are so if you don't want to listen to me thats fine I understand but please listen to Diane, Anna and Renee (both LOL)

they have so much knowledge under their belt and can offer so much advice!!

I will be watching your gorgeous girl today/ tonight for you my friend, get some sleep you must be exhausted! I will text if I see anything,

hoping n praying that Darla settles down and has a good final pregnancy and foaling, I know she is going to give you the most beautiful FILLY ever n you will be so happy!!

love you so much

oh n I just wanted to add, I can't believe that someone would ring you up and be nasty about your care of Darla,! how horrible!!

you are caring for her so well, its your vet I believe that is letting you n Darla down,

Have a good night sleep Jess

we are watching your sweet girl


Love Cassie
a post from Jess on marestare please pray for her mother in law!!

"I just got word that they are rushing my mother in law to the e.r. I am putting Darla back in her stall now...please call if she looks very serious, otherwise i will try to check updates from my cell. thanks everyone and please pray for us."

we are watching Darla for you Jess just consentrate on your family at the moment

p.s VERY WHITE MILK I see YAY won't be long now Jess!!
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Thanks for the prayers and for watching my girl everyone. My mother in law has terminal cancer. It is in her liver and bones. She gets really jaundiced, but tonight was dizzy, confused, and had slurred speach as well. They are admitting her and running more tests and we should know more tomorrow. They are able to keep her more comfortable in the hospital. She is really an amazing lady. She puts all of her faith in God, and He has really touched her. The doctors gave her 3months to live....but that was over two years ago. So thanks again for your prayers...they really mean alot. Darla is feeling much more comfortable tonight. We got her feet rewrapped and gave her another dose of pain meds. She had two poops in her stall, but they were both solid.

On a side note... did yall notice while i was in there that my new barn cat Charlotte FINALLY actually found the barn?!? Also for the chicken fan club...i really have to post a pic tomorrow. one of our hens occasionally lays double yolk eggs, but the one that i got today was HUGE! You really Have to see the pic!

I am posting a pic below of her milk from this afternoon. Going to bed now..it has been a very long day. I will check on D again in a bit. Thanks again for watching her for me!

It is very hard watching a family member int hat sort of situation. I lost a grandfather a few years ago to terminal cancer and I must say it was harder watching him go then when my grandmother died suddenly a year later.

My thoughts are with you.
glad that they have kept you MIL in hospital, praying that they ind out whats wrong and she recovers!!

what an awesome Lady!! she must be such an inspiration for you!!

and what a great example of how big and strong our God is!! and for her to have such faith in Him!! please give her a hug from me! knowing that she has faith in Christ makes me feel so much more relieved about her situation knowing that she has peace that only comes from our Father in Heaven!

have a good night sleep Jess, I will try n keep our lovely girl up as much as possible!!
I'm also sending prayers for you MIL Jess, what a great lady!

Please keep us informed on her progress, really hoping that her Faith will again carry her through, but maybe God has decided that He needs her at his side now.

Iam so sorry to hear about your MIL....You must be a mess with whats going on and stressing about darla as

well please keep your chin up were all hear for you
Thoughts & prayers for your MIL. Glad to see Darla feeling better. Love watching your chickens!!
The fan had somehow gotten knocked in front of the camera. I ran home to fix it and it is a little better now anyway. i will work on it more this afternoon. darla's vulva is even looser today. her tummy seems to have dropped more too, but cant get it to show in pics....darn slimming dark colored horse! she kept nudging her tummy so i stuck my hand there thinking i would feel a little hoof. Instead her tummy felt tight and she pinned her ears at me!!! Did yall see that? It was like she thought I was causing the ouchie! my mother in law is home now and they are trying to keep her comfortable. Thanks for all of the prayers!

ps. i gave D some more hay while i was out there and she is happily munching away now!
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