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Biden should have come out on top by a big margin considering the debates & experience that he has behind him..... Taking that into consideration my vote goes to Palin because this was her first debate....... The media stating that Palin memorized her info.
What do these people think Biden did? :DOH! With his past he should know all the info and not have to memorize! With Palin's down to earth approach and her other assets I feel she will keep McCain in check!

stated to me she is now not even going to vote!! I asked her why??? She told me McCain pulled his campaigned out of Michigan..
..................... When I hear people say they are not going to vote then I tell them they are giving Obama another vote. Someone needs to cancel out all those illegal votes ACORN and his group are getting.
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I think both candidates skirted around some issues, typical of any politician and debate. There was misinformation on both sides.

I did not find it a great debate...both did OK. I do think Palin did a better job at connecting with the average American though, which is her strong point, now people at least got to see that instead of edited interviews.
This was not a debate in the true sense of the word. It was a question and answer session/interview.

Both Palin and Biden handled themselves very well, but then both were rehearsed and packaged to the nth degree.

Palin was coached to express the party line in full sentences. While the coaching and canned statements were obvious, she still presented herself extremely well -- the Republican sighs of relief could even be heard across the country.

Biden was prepped to express the party line in less than a book. The bite marks on his tongue were almost visible.

Palin took great pains to show that she's just a darn-soccer-mom-Washington-outsider, (If she said "darn" one more time I would have screamed)

Biden took just as great of pains to not belittle Palin or come across as a know-it-all. (If he had grinned one more time I would have slapped the tv)

The job of the veep candidate in the election is (in every election) to say the things the presidential candidate dare not say, so the small amount of lambasting didn't bother me.

I would like to see Palin more natural (perhaps an "UpClose and Personal film clip of her dressing a deer?)...but then, I would love to see Hillary in her element, telling Bill to get his feet off the sofa. I'd like to see more of Biden with his children -- I love seeing a man who is not afraid to be openly affectionate toward his sons.

I wish they would give us a true debate rather than such a structured set-up, but then, the way these two can ramble, they might still be up on stage.

I hope that Carl Rove and others behind the GOP scene trust Palin enough now to allow her "out on dates" with the media. She's a big girl and should not be protected -- it is demeaning.
The one thing I did notice and laughed about with a very republican friend was that more then a couple of times Palin developed this almost swedish accent- she would start off with something to the effect of NOW JOE go for a few more words and then talk like herself again.

Did anyone else notice it?

Ok someone else just told me they felt it was a MN accent I didnt really know there was a MN accent?? LOL
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I think I have a crush on Biden.

He is very charming isn't he
and I found him very well spoken. He is easy to listen to.

Mary Lou, I really don't have anything against Palin but the very first time I heard her speak and that saying of her's which she has used over and over again (drives me NUTS) "I am just a hockey mom"
I thought what the heck does that have to do with being a possible VP and then her other famous line "pitbull with lipstick" I got totally turned off. It made me think of someone who is trying too hard to fit in and is being cutsie. And what was that winking last night, caught it a couple of times... she can lose that too. I think if she can stop those things and get more up to speed with foreign policy that in 2012 she will be a real force to reckon with and would do very well. Perhaps she will be the first woman President of the U.S. I can see that but right now she needs time.
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I think I have a crush on Biden.

He is very charming isn't he
I find him a Bill Clinton kinda way...

I found him very well spoken. He is easy to listen to.
yes, just like Clinton, reminds me of Clinton ALOT, Bill was alittle easier on the eyes though!

Biden looks exactly like my last boss...makes me cringe...and McCain looks like an old version of a co-worker that I could do without...also makes me cringe!

I suppose Palin is at least easy on the eyes.... About her accent...knowing a couple people from AK...they talk very similiar to her. Alot of people in Alaska are from norweigan descent...definately an accent, very drawn type. Here in Michigan, especially up north, people have a very distinct accent. I can alwlays tell when someone is from the U.P. I'm from Pittsburgh, PA and I'm often asked where I'm from, even though it's only 350 miles away and I've been in MI for 12 years. I don't think it's a put on, I think that's just the way she talks.

From the women I talk to, I get the impression that many seem actually jealous of Palin, like she is a threat to their womanhood or something, regardless of their political views. Kinda strange....didn't get that impression with Hillary. I think some women feel threatened by her, again regardless of their political views. I've heard....I just don't like her, when asked why, many many of the answers are not political, just personal or no reason at all.
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Mary Lou --

I promise I'm not just teasing you. Palin's accent reminds me of yours!!!

Yes, I'm sure she was coached on being more folksy and on letting her personality come through.

Like I said, I thought they both did a good job. I was proud of Sarah Palin (and have been).

Jill you are right to a certain degree...I can hear a canadian accent in her speaking as well...many Canadians are from Norweigian descent as well. In the U.P. of Michigan you hear alot of Canadian accents, sorta similiar to Palin's but not exact.
There is one lady that I truly admire as a Governor.. it is Jennifer Granholm of Michigan.. (by the way.. she is originally Canadian)
If she was born in Canada she could not have been a choice as our presidents must be born in the USA.
Back on Sara.. I really do like the lady but I feel she is not PRESIDENT material.. BUT do you want her for President of the U.S.?? I say president because lets face that it could be reality she could be President someday if they get elected...
.................Would anyone want Nancy Pelosi as President?????????
.......... I heard Dennis Miller on Jay Leno two nights ago, If Obama becomes president he could die because he smokes...... Since Biden is old he may kick off. Who does that leave as president ????? Nancy Pelosi !!!
God help us all. Scarey !!!!!!!!!!!!
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