Oh, Eagle, thanks for posting that!!! I guess she has it quite well figured out!!!
Mira and baby are doing well this morning (much better than Gary and I, I might add). I would really like to pend the day watching them. The filly has an absolutely exquisite face and the rest of her is pretty nice too.
Diane has it pretty much the way it is, except for some little details. At the beginning, all three mares shared a stall, overhang area and turnout with one cam in the stall. A second cam was added to show the area outside the stall (shown many pages ago on this thread) where Mira and Sox were hanging out at night while everyone watched Toffee. Then yesterday, the mares were all let out into their pasture/ turnout when Mira came back into TOFFEE"s foaling stall and started to foal!! Last week we ordered a third cam, which we hope will arrive today, and now we need to set up the 3rd foaling stall that we had planned all along. We need to remove a divider and move some horses though.
Although Gary and I are both exhausted, we feel that our foaling season has already been a success. In one day, the number of live Buckshot offspring has doubled!!!
This photo, taken right after we realized the foal was still alive (but not the sex), says it all I think: