Equipage seems to be working. Several times this week, and I think twice today, I have been outside within a few feet of the two STANDING mares, when the pager has gone off! Each time I just stare, like "how did that just happen?". They seem to be rubbing their heads on a fence/gate and its seems that the transmitter doesn't have to tip 90 degrees, but just a few degrees off horizontal will set it off. We double checked Sox's transmitter and Toffee set hers off lying down once today so they both seem to work fine.
Now girls, let's get going!! I was watching Sox swish her tail tonight and I saw a few up and down tail twitches, which I understand means they are close???? Anyone know about that sign?
It was hot here today, so Mira was in her stall a lot with the fan on. No fan now because we had to move it at feeding time.