6PM - Sox wanted to go in her stall (???) so is in there with Foal Buzzer but not the Equipage, since I think it is hers that doesn't work. It went off again while both mares were eating in the backyard. Have not had one minute to call Kee Port but I will. My half hour nap stretched to 1 1/2 hrs....
Major development here today for anyone who has followed Ruby on the main forum. We treated her with SMZ after a reading by Bonnie Fogg about a month ago (sinus infection was major issue per Bonnie) and for the first time since last OCTOBER, we were able to turn Ruby out with the main herd!!!
For those who think Toffee might be next, I might be joining that camp but still have to test milk/check udders. Remember, Toffee was bred a full 31 days before Sox so she SHOULD go next!!! Toffee was bred the same time as Raven - remember that foal? He is probably halter broke by now!!
Thank you all for watching!!!