December photos/Equine Affaire: On Target Miniature 2012 foals

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Renee- I hope Eagle is doing better, but I haven't had time to check. Just wanted to give you a huge thanks and hugs for watching last night and being ready to call. It snowed here overnight (after temps in the 80's last week) and I hate to think what could have happened to 3 pregnant mares eating grass all night when they were only used to a few hours at a time. There are plenty enough colics around here just from the weather change.

A few years ago on Mare Stare, when we also had a group situation, someone called us form Europe to report the mare was going down to foal. I checked the cam and the mare in question wasn't even pregnant, but she WAS colicking!!! Very thankful for that call!!!
You are very welcome, I was just dialing your number when I looked up and saw Mira. Phewwww to be honest I thought one might be foaling off cam with the other 2 standing over watching, lol

Eagle is doing much better thank goodness, it makes you realise just how much we loves these little chips when they get sick, you just can't imagine life without them
I have decided to put Toffee into the "foaling stall" starting tonight (hint, hint, girl) so she will always be on camera (the left one). She has been acting just a bit strange today, like not coming in for lunch with the other two, and just acting "different". Thought I saw some soft poop, but not sure if that is because the ground is still so wet from last night's snow. Of course she is already several days past her "due" date and has been bagging up for quite awhile. Her pH seems to be pretty steady at around 6.8-7, but I know that could change fast. I will keep a close eye on her (they are all in the backyard now) and keep you updated of any changes.

I plan to leave the other two "outside" on the other camera, which as you know is a large overhang area with bedding in part of it. I will leave the upper part of the Dutch door open so they can all see each other even though I don't think you can see that part of the door.
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I meant to post earlier but it has been a bit of a busy day. I was thinking about your girls and wondering if it would be easier to close Toffee in the outside part as she spends 90% of the night alone there as the other 2 stay in the stable. It is just an idea, I hope you don't mind me throwing out there.


Well, it would be EASIER, but I don't think the best plan in the long run. I don't think it would be a good idea to close 2 pregnant mares in one stall, even when they get along as well as these mares do. They are bound to get grumpy as they closer to foaling!! Plus I want Toffee to foal in a big stall by herself and where we can all keep an eye on her. She has had 6 or 7 foals already and I am sure those were in foaling stalls. When she came to us she had a one month old at side and they were fine in the stall next door (where I plan to put Mira). But that is another reason why I want to put her in the stall tonight - to make sure she is relaxed and comfy in there.

I would rather do this separation now when I can do it more gradually than wait until someone (or all three!!!!) is testing ready. Then soon (?) I will move Mira and Sox to stalls they are used to and indeed delivered their last foals in. But once I do that there will be one that isn't on cam and one will be using a foal buzzer rather than the Equipage. This SEEMED like such a good idea 11 months ago - LOL!!!
Yes you are right of course, I was just thinking aloud. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all chat in the barn sitting on a bale of hay with a nice warm coffee
Oh well, thanks goodness we have Lil B or I would be all alone here in Italy talking to my dogs and chips
Sounds like you have a good plan in place. I'll be watching!
Thanks all ! Yes, I am so glad we all have LB to chat on!

And Diane - I like your plan about Toffee going first and moving her, but what we decided was that it would be easier on the horses if we leave them alone and move the CAMERA once the first one foals. We have long cords for everything that just run across the hay loft. Of course it will be lots more work for us!!! But we like the idea of leaving Toffee in the stall that has the cam on it now.
I did close the gate (one of three) closest in, so 1) I won't be chasing mares again in the middle of the night! and 2) the other 2 mares can't get too far away and upset Toffee. We also have a plan just in case Mira should start to foal tonight - kick Toffee out and move Mira in, so she will be on cam. Vet's cell phone is on speed dial, laptop next to bed, straw is ready to add to stall, and now we wait......

Yes, I agree all our mares look HUGE and I have to remind myself that Buckshot is barely 30" tall.
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The girls still look comfy. All is right with the world.
Toffee is standing so darn still I had to really concentrate to make sure her cam wasn't frozen or something. then I noticed I could see movement in the upper right hand corner of her cam from horses on the other side!LOL She's just playing statue I guess.
And she's still standing in the exact same spot! It's 1:43 cam time...I'm going to bed.
3.20am and Toffee now standing quietly by the door with her two friends snoozing next to her outside.
All is quiet at 4 15am. I have to sign out now as it is 10.15am Sunday morning and the kids want to go out.
Glad no alarms last night. The girls seemed to stand like statues mostly. Maybe the quite before the foaling storm???
Oh, good, it sounds like no one saw Mira's April Fool joke. She got us GOOD, thinking she was going into labor this morning.......Then she broke the fuse on her breakaway halter.. which I have replaced with a piece of pink ribbon.

I think she (and the others) are just itching from the clipping. All 3 mares have been rolling up a storm after their clip jobs. BTW, that was a direct result of a FB post by Kaykay reminding everyone to clip your mares higher up, not just on the belly, to avoid a foal ingesting fur when they are nuzzling mom.

Milk tests on Mira and Toffee still in the 6.8-7 range, but udders are pretty full. Toffee's vulva is quite relaxed, Mira's less so. And so we wait.....

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