Well-Known Member
How Awesome!! He looks great! Knowing that something like this is available is just incredible. I am so thankful for modern technology.
I cannot give the name of the equine dentist who did the procedure. Seems as though Okla. would like to make it a felony. He is not a dr. or veterinarian, he is an equine dentist and my hero. I am very happy to report that Little Man has not had any choking or coughing when he eats since he got his dentures.
[i added the emphasis/color to felony.]
Congratulations on getting some relief for your mature horse!
We have a problem here in the good old U.S. of A., in that the veterinary boards of many states have decided to attempt to control many practices which affect the health and well-being of our beloved horses.
I am a veterinarian, but I have to admit that the resurrection of the study of equine dental health has been initiated by some great non-veterinary equine dental practitioners during the last couple of decades.
The veterinary equine practitioners associations (AAEP.ORG) is doing some great continuing education offerings in the last ten years or so, but, unfortunately, are still holding the position that only "licensed vet techs" can legally offer or perform any equine dental procedures (even "floating" in many states) UNLESS they are UNDER SUPERVISION OF A VETERINARIAN.
So, in order to comply, an individual would have to spend a lot of time/money becoming a licensed vet tech (in which it is rare to find any equine dental educational material) or spend even more/longer to become a veterinarian, in which a few vet schools are only recently beginning to offer some horse dentistry informantion. A few vet schools are employing some excellent non-veterinary equine dental practitioners to teach the vet students, but it is very hard to find that mentioned on the vet school sites or literature.
We who love horse are indebted to some great individuals [such as the person who applied the device to your horse] who have had the courage to risk a lot by putting the horse first, even beyond the law.
It will be a while before substantial numbers of horse owners realize that they need to stand up to the legislators and protect their right to choose who provides vital services for our horses. Very few individuals in the world [veterinary or non-veterinary], are capable of doing what was done for your Little Man.
You folks who have been fortunate enough to be able to enlist the services of that individual are lucky, indeed.
Hi Theresa,I do believe that I bought Dillinger (Della Terra lines) (dark bay colt, he was 6 momths old) from you a few years back??? Maybe 2002? I think you called him George? You were in Henryetta at that time? My old comp died and it took your email with it! How are you and your Girls??? Yep it was you, I just looked up his papers! I see you are new to this forum! WELCOME!!!!!! I have sooo many pics to share with you on his babies!!!! Duns and Buckskins! This is a wonderful thing you have done! I have an "older" gent here that would benifit greatly from this. Theresa And Art....
I could not have said that any better myself. I second that amen for Horseteeth 1.![]()
AMEN on the post from Horseteeth 1.....![]()
And Bless the heart and soul of the Equine Dentist who did this for Little Man...![]()
We need a whole lot of.... stand up..... for our animals and ourselves in this world today....