Well - Here is my view - take it or leave
I agree Micheal Jackson and Todd Palin are not even a comparison.
NO, I did not laugh at Micheal Jackson or any of the jokes - In fact, I guess the people I am around didn't find it funny at all either - because I don't remember hearing the jokes.
I wouldn't care who they were talking about on SNL - whether it would have been Obama or ANYONE. I can tell you I would have just been as disgusted that someone finds it funny even if it would have been about Obama.
My mind just can not comprehend how anything is FUNNY when it comes to incest.
Yes, minilowrise - I read your article. I can't watch the U - Tube for one - if I understand correctly it has been taken down.( That says a lot right there) and GOOD. If it was still up I still would not watch it - they don't deserve any credit for what they have done.
I am just saying " INCEST" - What could possibly be funny about that? NOTHING! I do not care if it is a JOKE - some things are just off limits and personally I think incest is.
I mean seriously think about it -
What if that was one of your family members that the joke was told about?
Think of all the children that are going through this and maybe they are wanting to tell someone. But, how can they? - they see parents, or friends, etc. laughing about it.
Don't think somewhere in America there isn't a scared little kid - wanting to say something - but, then other kids will go to school and tell the jokes they heard from their parents.
Children have always been my soft spot.
I am HOPING some of the ones that think this is FUNNY - Will take a more serious look at it.