the entire time i grew up every year i would pray so hard that when i woke there would be a horse standing tied to a tree in the front yard. The dream was so vivid and i wanted it so bad that every year i would wake up and run to the window and look to see if this was the year i finally got a horse. Im embarressed to say i think i did this all the way to 16 years of age before i finally gave up and knew no horse was coming LOL.
Now im so blessed to finally have my dream standing in the back yard.
How many others had this same dream growing up?
I know i have seen others post something similiar over the years and i always thought it was just me LOL
Now im so blessed to finally have my dream standing in the back yard.
How many others had this same dream growing up?
I know i have seen others post something similiar over the years and i always thought it was just me LOL