I am totally excited to get my DNA results on 2 of my minis.
First is my flaxen chestnut pinto, Landrys Cowboys Diamonds & Rubys. I bought her about 1.5 years ago, but before me she has had 7 foals. All of her non-chestnut foals were silver, but the sire was a silver black, so I always wondered if she might carry silver, but never knew.
Being chestnut, she's obviously ee.
She tested aa, so she won't pass on agouti (however, my stallion she is bred to is AA so if the baby gets E from him, it'll be bay, whichi is fine b/c I love bay).
And... she's homozygous silver!!!! ZZ!
I love silvers, so that's neat! 'Course, that won't matter unless a foal gets an E from the sire, but still a chance!
Here's Ruby:
And then my bucksin mini mare, HRK Kates Chocolat Creme de Coco. She is a strange color, actually she always changes colors. But in natural summer coat, she looks buckskin, but her points and mane/tail are reddish. I've heard buckskins can vary, and that can be "normal" but I always wondered if she didn't have silver.
She is Crcr, so buckskin
Ee so black based but can have chestnut foals
Aa so has agouti but wont' always pass it on, and.....
Zz!!!! She DOES have silver, I was right!
Here's Cocoa.
Shaved, so not showing true coat, but..
And not shaved (or grown out from being shaved)
First is my flaxen chestnut pinto, Landrys Cowboys Diamonds & Rubys. I bought her about 1.5 years ago, but before me she has had 7 foals. All of her non-chestnut foals were silver, but the sire was a silver black, so I always wondered if she might carry silver, but never knew.
Being chestnut, she's obviously ee.
She tested aa, so she won't pass on agouti (however, my stallion she is bred to is AA so if the baby gets E from him, it'll be bay, whichi is fine b/c I love bay).
And... she's homozygous silver!!!! ZZ!

Here's Ruby:

And then my bucksin mini mare, HRK Kates Chocolat Creme de Coco. She is a strange color, actually she always changes colors. But in natural summer coat, she looks buckskin, but her points and mane/tail are reddish. I've heard buckskins can vary, and that can be "normal" but I always wondered if she didn't have silver.
She is Crcr, so buckskin
Ee so black based but can have chestnut foals
Aa so has agouti but wont' always pass it on, and.....
Zz!!!! She DOES have silver, I was right!

Here's Cocoa.
Shaved, so not showing true coat, but..

And not shaved (or grown out from being shaved)
