It sure surprises me how many of you actually like the racket nature makes at night and in the early morning! For myself, (and I grew up in the country and have always lived out in the country), I need it quiet to sleep, except for the white noise of a fan. I just went outside around 10:30 PM because I forgot to turn the sprinkler off and there was an owl hooting like crazy. I just can't sleep through the noise. I guess at my age it's hard to sleep, anyway, so any disturbance is a pain in the patoot.
I wouldn't worry about security, though. My two labs sleep right outside the bedroom and they'd go berserk if someone tried to get in. Plus, my husband and I have some nice iron on the nightstands. Mine is a Ruger 9mm and my husband's is a .345 Magnum, plus I have a 20 gauge shotgun right next to the nightstand. My husband has a 12 gauge.