It is very helpful when you run into any problems. There are newsgroups for everything. Most all of the people on there are volenteer's and most are very knowledgeable.
I love to lurk on the forums. I have learned a ton about picture taking from the forums there. Of course it is geared towards those that own nikon cameras.
I used to be an Admin at another EZ-board. I don't go there any more. I do still go lurk at the feedback board on eBay. I've been there 4 years, I just don't post much.
The Running Room has a neat forum l go on and l've been over to the smallest horse group but see most of the same people are on here and there so just go see whats new a few times a month..
I don't frequent them too often, but I'm a member of several yahoo horse groups, several yahoo quilting groups, horse board, quilt board, JoAnns quilt board (there about as often as I'm here) and another horse board.
I go to a big horse forum sometimes to chat about my rodeo and performance horses. I still like LB best, but if I want to talk about my big horses I go to thisHorse Forum
I've been on Debi's for a few years although I don't post much. Lovely group there. Debi and Beth have taught me so much about foaling from their foal cams and postings there. They have enabled me to watch live foalings and learn, learn, learn.
I love my friends here, but I am a member of Smallest Horse Group and sure love it there as well, sometimes I get a more connected feel with the people there maybe due to it being smaller group of individuals, I also am a member of Goattalk. I raise Nubian, Angora goats and also sheep so I love to talk with the people there, that too is a smaller group of people that I feel very connected with.
I really like this one - so I am here alot of my computer time. I cruise a mastiff doggy site and a few of the smaller mini forums- never been to a chat room.
I am a member of an msn group called Christian Moms Unite. It's a wonderful group of moms who I totally love. I've been a member there for several years, now, almost since they first started.
This is pretty much the only message board I am on.
There is a yahoo one for NOVL (Novell) that I read and post to sometimes because they guys there are SO FUNNY. And then sometimes I read a goat message board, but rarely. I probably check the other two out once every 6wks and as you all know, I'm like constantly reading and posting on this one
I have about 8 yahoo groups I belong to.....of those 2 are busy...the others are pretty quiet...and I belong to sheep-L....I have so many other things in my life....... that I love the net it is like a library at my fingertips
I spend less and less time here as other priorities have taken over my miniature horse endeavor.........however I cannot completely leave as I have people here I have known for years thanks to this forum......