give me a few minutes, I'm not a moderator. BUT I want to try to check out pics on my account the way that you are loading them. I do know that I had another forum account with a similar forum and they had an allotment of so many MB of space for loading pics directly from your computer. When you reached that allotment, you couldn't load more photos and to get back space you had to go in and delete photos from the ones stored on the Forum's site when you loaded that way. The size(s) of the pics contributed to that issue, too. Many of my original pics on my computer are much smaller than they are now - I could load more before hitting that limit, but they were often very hard to see. That particular forum is no longer in existence, makes me sad... I don't remember Lil' Beginnings doing a MB limit, but then since I don't usually load my pics that way, could be why I think that...
Like Rocklone, I do the attachment from the photo album websites of Photobucket (for older pics before 2009) and Picasa (google) from 2009 to now. The pics are stored on a server with those two web albums NOT on Lil Beginnings server... Hence, you can "show" as many as you want. I'm only able to load 6 at a time in a given post, though.
There are other online photo album servers! Flicker, SnapFish are some of the older ones. Picture Trail and a whole bunch of new ones. I'm not familiar with those, however. I don't know if they are free. My Photobucket and Picasa albums are free - I have a set limit of how many I can store in total in the account AND how many can be stored in each individual album in my account. I have different albums for each horse/pony; family; events; equipment or farm maintenance; dogs & cats; chickens & ducks; etc, etc... IN Photobucket I had some different albums that also included the 4th of July parade we went to one year (HUGE album by itself) and also Prom pics of our daughters... I now have pretty much reached my limit of free space on Photobucket and the advertising that pops up on that site occasionally causes my laptop or previously our computer, to lock up... Currently I think I have around 4,500 pics in Photobucket (could be wrong?) and more than 5,000 in Picasa. When I had a website, I linked directly to the pics in the albums - allowed my website to load faster since the pics did not take up my allotted space w/i my website.