I also do try and encourage Halo to go under shelter, by putting her hay under it. I read, in that article the other day, that bathing, isn't a good thing, for the rainy season anyway, as it takes the oils off the outer layer. So thank goodness, it is just too cold to bathe anyway. But I notice, depending on the temps, on if Halo's coat is fluffed out more, or is laying down a bit. She has such a thick one, already. Where she is boarded, they have Arabians. Beautiful ones, but they sure don't get the coat that a mini does. They wanted me to bring a blanket and start blanketing Halo. This was probably back at the beginning of Oct. and I told the lady to wait, that Halo gets really bushy...so bushy she won't look like a horse anymore, but will look like a bear. LOL And Halo is doing fine. Staying nice and warm, so I'm not worried about her. She will have frost on the outer layer, some mornings, but if I pet her and feel down to her skin, she is so warm. God knew what He was doing, when he gave them their winter woolies.