Do you wash your bath towels after one use?

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Leeana I shower at least 2 times a day as well. Going to the gym every morning and every night with ponies in between.. i have to
I'm the same Lisa, I must have a shower in the morning as I have just dead until I do......If by chance I skip a shower in the morning, I will feel dazed all day long. Then after spending all day at work and at the barn, which I always come back from the barn looking like a pig as I wear flip flops or crocks at the barn and normally I have dirt from my toes to my knee's. Nothing like coming in covered in dirt and sweat, taking a shower and feeling CLEAN then putting in some time infront of the tv or computer and then catching some Zzzzzzz's....
Now get this... I have another friend who is my age and she changes her sheets EVERY MORNING!!! I just can't imagine putting myself through that much work! And, not only does she change them every morning, but she IRONS them after washing! *my mind is reeling*
Yikes. I wonder if there is medication for that.
I do not not think I have even used my iron in.... months. Things come out of the dryer and get hung up - things that are still a bit wrinkled get hung in the bathroom and get steamed while I am having a shower.

NO WAY do I wash a towel after one use. Waste of water IMO. I am as clean as I can get coming out of the shower -so I do not think it is a big deal. I am by myself so I only need to do laundry once a week or sometimes once every 10 days or so. I use a towel 4 or 5 times before I use a new one. I will wear the same grimy pair pf jeans a few days in a row if I am cleaning out the loft or pulling tansy or doing something else dirty and annoying - but I change into a decent pair if I go anywhere.

So I guess I am a member of the Slob Squad!
So glad to hear I am not the only one who uses a towel more than once! I live by the, "I was clean when I used it" philosophy. NOW - my daughters are still learning that. Typically it is due to laziness and it is easier for them to throw the towel in the hamper in their room than bring it back downstairs to the bathroom. I'm breaking that habit!

As for sheets, I wish I could say I get to them once a week. I really intend to, but sometimes it gets spread out a little longer than that! Especially during the school year when all we get to do is come home to sleep!

The other thing is pajamas - I have no problem wearing what I sleep in for a few days in a row - all I'm doing is sleeping! This is another thing I have to get my girls into the habit of doing - otherwise my laundry piles up WAY too fast!

I use a towel several times, and I wear my clothes several times,and I sleep in my bed for a number of days, before washing these items, depending on time of year and what I've been doing...if that 'makes' me a slob, well, so be it! I used to be much more 'obcessed'about such things, but I 'got over it'...thank goodness! I don't shower daily either, except in rare instances...if I did, in this dry climate, I'd have to literally BATHE in lotion and conditioners continuously!

I still can't abide clutter, but have over time become a LOT more relaxed about things like dust, and endlessly washing...finally sunk in that life is too short!! The one thing I DO, without fail, is to go straight to the sink and wash my hands w/ soap and water, for the length of time recommended(I sing the 'ABCs' song to myself once--just right!)EVERY time I come in from outside, or have been 'out' away from house and home for any reason. Best way I know to promote my own good health...and the best health habit you can instill in your children, IMO!

I do my "towel" laundry once a week, and usually have 3 bath towels, 4 hand towels, 7 dish rags, and 2 or 3 dish towels. Im not OCD about my laundry, I just so happened to have just finished folding my towel laundry so looked in the basket.

So, each of us uses one bath towel a week, we use a hand towel for a floor mat, one hand towel for drying our hands, and I use one for my hair. Dish rags I change daily, and dish rags when they look dirty. Hubby tends to use them to wipe spills instead of rags

That said, the only things we wear once then wash is underwear, bras, and socks. The first wear is when its "nice" clothes, the second time its "work clothes" for working outside, or the barn. I do wash my hubbys work clothes after one wear, but he works in a steel mill and they get pretty funky.
I guess I am probably President of the Slob club.I use my towel several times before washing, change my sheets when I feel like doing it,I can look right past the dog hair fuzzies rolling on the floor and I don't iron anything(if is has to be ironed it stays in the store for someone else to buy.)I read a book Don't Sweat the Small Stuff(and it's all small stuff) IMO Sounds like some people have lots of excess time on their hands.My best friend was recently telling me how many hours she spent cleaning the lint and some black stuff out of the center of the agitator on her washing machine.She doesn't want people to talk about her having a dirty washer after she's dead and gone.(Get a life)I can clean up when I have to , but am quite happy being in my grubbies and hanging out with my critters.At my age I don't give a crap what people think about me.Boy it's nice getting smarter as I get older Not too many advantages but a nice one.
She doesn't want people to talk about her having a dirty washer after she's dead and gone.
Let it be duly noted that everyone is free to talk about me having a dirty washer after I am dead and gone. I do not spend hours cleaning it out - so therefore it must be filthy. Plus it is in a laundry room at the barn - so double whammy for me. Y'all can make snide remarks about my housekeeping when I am gone - I will not care!!

*notices dustbunnies hiding under a kitchen chair and glares at them in a menacing way*
I guess I am probably President of the Slob club.I use my towel several times before washing, change my sheets when I feel like doing it,I can look right past the dog hair fuzzies rolling on the floor and I don't iron anything(if is has to be ironed it stays in the store for someone else to buy
Guess that's makes me Vice President.
I reuse my towels for a few days then I will wash them again. My house is not dirty but it can get messy and it drives my mother crazy. I always say to her just put on my tombstone "She kept a messy house but had a fun life!"
My husband and I wash our bath towels about once a week. Same thing with our bedsheets. He used to shower in the morning but I like to shower at night so that I go to bed clean... and I expect the same with him!

My parents whom we live with use a towel (or two if they use one for their heads) every shower and usually have a pile of towels in the bathroom. Just seems like a waste of laundry.

As for the germs... well I do work in a barn so I'm sure what I inhale daily is far worse than what a bath towel can grow. We do hang them carefully out to dry after use though. If they get bunched up they do get gross extremely quickly.

What about in the kitchen- do you all get a clean glass/mug with every drink or use the same one all day?

I use the towel once only. And I absolutely use a clean drinking glass with every drink during the day, unless I'm having one glass right after another.
The one thing I DO, without fail, is to go straight to the sink and wash my hands w/ soap and water, for the length of time recommended(I sing the 'ABCs' song to myself once--just right!)EVERY time I come in from outside, or have been 'out' away from house and home for any reason. Best way I know to promote my own good health...and the best health habit you can instill in your children, IMO!

I shower daily in the summer because I am outside from sunup till sundown, and I am either chainsawing brush, fishing, cleaning manure from stalls, or working in the garden, and I get very hot and sweaty so I really need a shower every night before bed. Heck, tonight I was so stinky from brushing and playing with a few horses that I showered before I made supper. But in the winter, I might shower only every third or fourth day unless we go out to eat with friends or something like that. I figure a person showers to get clean, and I just don't get dirty in the winter.

But Margo, I am exactly as you are about washing hands! Even if I just go grocery shopping they get washed as soon as I'm in the house and before the groceries get put away. I have two towels always hanging int he kitchen: a dish towel and a hand towel. In the summer months, the hand towel gets changed every single day! It just has to, as we get so dirty and the soap doesn't always get all the dirt off and it ends up on the towel.

I used to have papers towels to use to dry our hands on when we came in from inside, but I began to feel it was so wasteful and I got rid of them when I went through my "consuming less" stage. LOL!
Yikes. I wonder if there is medication for that.
I do not not think I have even used my iron in.... months.
I got an iron for a shower gift when we were married 40 years ago. It broke about ten years ago and I never even replaced it! On the rare occasion when I need an iron, like ironing on knee patches on my husband's jeans, I hop on the four wheeler and go to my son's house and use theirs!
Oh my, this has been the most fun to read!! I always say "Im not allergic to dust but I am allergic to dusting"

Towels are only washed after a couple times...isnt that the reason there is a hook on the back of the bathroom door?

Face cloths every couple days too. Sheets get changed a couple times a week but that is only b/c my oldest dog likes to sleep on the bed, she has to be picked up and I have to put a towel down but sometimes she has little accidents...shes just getting old so I dont mind changing the sheets for her.
billiethekid40, on 02 July 2011 - 10:22 AM, said:

What about in the kitchen- do you all get a clean glass/mug with every drink or use the same one all day?

I use the towel once only. And I absolutely use a clean drinking glass with every drink during the day, unless I'm having one glass right after another.
I'd run out of glasses in a few hours if I got a new glass each time...I drink water constantly but in short little bursts, yes I let mine sit in the corner on the counter and use it all day...maybe even the next day too!
For those of you who let your dogs and/or cats sleep on the bed (H and I do), I learned a great tip from my mom.

If you use a spare flat sheet to lay over your bedspread or comforter, you will save MANY washings of the heavier bedding.

We change our sheets 1-2x a week, but this top sheet over the "pretty" bedding has really saved us from a lot of laundry.
I do the wash once a week. Which turns into a good day, to day and a half of washing. We use our towels about a week but only shower every other day unless we are really icky. I have really sensitive skin so more then that I cant handle it. The necessary areas get hand washed twice a day. The teen for whatever reason has to use a clean towel and shower several times a day and all he does is sit in the house. Drives me nuts. He also has to change clothes a good 4 times a day so I dont do his wash until his dressers are empty and he has been wearing clothes of the floor for a few weeks. Even then I wait until he asks and by then he looks pretty gross and stinky.
I guess I have always been a borderline germaphob. For more than 30 years as I said before I only use a towel once and wash it. Also, as far back as I can remember I always wash my hands after I have done something with or for an animal. It doesn't bother me while I am down on the ground shoulder deep trying to turn a big horse foal or just feeding the horses rabbits and chickens. But, when I come in the house it is right to the sink. My skin just feels icky if I don't. It could be from when I was 5 or 6 and had one of those red ear slider turtles in the little bowl that had the palm tree in it. My parents stressed that if I touched it I had to wash my hands. There are some days that I will wash my hands maybe 5 times in 15 minutes.
Jill I like your idea about dogs/cats sleeping on the bed and have actually tried it but my Daiquir gets up on the bed and almost starts nesting...she paws all the blankets and sheets in a big pile then nestles down in them.....then she may/maynot have one of her accidents.

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