Do your horses stay outside even in cold cold

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
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Ok my husband is having a fit about trying to keep the horses warm. I keep telling him that they are animals that mother nature made to be outside, not in the house or such like a dog or cat, so they are fine outside. I told him that is why we give him more hay in the winter to keep him warm..

He tells me I should be glad he cares and wants them to be cozy...

So what else do I tell him to convince him??

Giddy is stalled part of the time since he was a stalled horse before, where Suman was always outside with the previous owners, he is outside here.

I do have a nice stall for him, which he doesnt really like, but I plan to keep him in if we get alot of snow or ice..

Is that what you all do??
All my horse not including my mini studs are outside for the most part. I have my barrel and roping horses blanketed and if it gets around 40 they are put up because I don't like them to have tomuch hair. But the minis I always have a barn they can run into and get out of the wind, they never seem to get cold because they usually get a good hair coat on.

btw, I've only seen weather colder than 26 degrees, so I might not be helping LOL
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Do your horses stay outside even in cold cold, Winter

Nope. We spent a small fortune in time and money building them a really nice barn and that is what it's for. It's nice and comfortable in there and they love it. My horses do go out daily for a turn out and play time, exercise, whatever , even when it's cold out there because I feel it's important for them to run around etc. but they do come back in the barn. They like to go out and play in the snow, but no, they don't stay out. In severe conditions like blizzards and insane temps and stuff they are totally in the barn. I"ve already had two injured in slipping on the ice and that was enough of that. However, my husband seems to be like yours because he feels that the barn should be warm etc. It is insulated too which is great, but I have to keep reminding him that the barn is not for growing orchids!
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We have some darn cold winters here in Minnesota. All my horses get big fuzzy coats. We used to try to bring them in and keep them warm, but they actually have done BETTER being outside with just a shelter to get out of the elements (wind, sleet, snow). I haven't had to deal with any respiratory things - colds, snotty noses, runny eyes. It's kinda funny, even when the horses had the option of being inside or going out - the majority of them (all except one former show mare) would head for the far side of the pasture and be perfectly content outside.

Only advice - get a water deicer or warmer. Make sure that they have plenty of water - my horses drink a TON in the winter. Also, check on their body condition frequently - it's easy to mistake fluffy for fat.
Yep, mine stay out unless they choose to come in (to their run-ins or open stalls). I've always done it that way and only once in all this time have I had a snotty nose here. Minis get very thick coats and are so well equipped to be comfortable outside in even very cold weather.
Do your horses stay outside even in cold cold, Winter

Nope. We spent a small fortune in time and money building them a really nice barn and that is what it's for. It's nice and comfortable in there and they love it. My horses do go out daily for a turn out and play time, exercise, whatever , even when it's cold out there because I feel it's important for them to run around etc. but they do come back in the barn. They like to go out and play in the snow, but no, they don't stay out. In severe conditions like blizzards and insane temps and stuff they are totally in the barn. I"ve already had two injured in slipping on the ice and that was enough of that. However, my husband seems to be like yours because he feels that the barn should be warm etc. It is insullated too which is great, but I have to keep reminding him that the barn is not for growing orchards!

Marty my husband says the same thing,I want to put a heater in the barn!! It is very closed in and the horses generate heat so I tell him no, he does have a couple heat lamps in there ( not a fire hazard) because he just CANT leave them without any heat!! Sigh!! Gotta love him!!
My horses are stalled at night and when there is lots of mud on the ground or wet snow they come in early. For me it is not the cold my barn is very open so they get lots of air. I have a bigger issue wtih them having a nice dry place to lay down. I do have a 16x24 run in in the turn out however... the bottom line is the higher up horses in the pecking order go in there and stay in there until they are done. That means that the lower horses in the pecking order get the shelter when they are allowed not when they want or need it(like in wet snow and wind ect) and that just bothers me so they are out during the day and in and night and they love to come into there barn. They are all in 10x20 stalls so have plenty of room. The stalls are open so they can see there neighbors I paid for my barn for a reason
I let mine decide, they all have individual drylots attached to their own stalls. I've purchased some older horses that did not have this setup and it takes them about a year to figure out that warmer is better.
Even on the coldest days that Minnesota has to offer, our horses are outside...they do have shelter if they wish to use it but most of the time they do not.

I can honestly say that I believe they are much happier during the winter months than the extreme heat, no bugs etc
We used to bring them all in every night. Now they stay out 24/7 unless freezing rain or bad snow storm, farrier or if sick. Much better for them and less work for us. They all have outside shelter's and heated buckets.
My girls are fine during the day, we leave them out. At night we always bring them in, they love their stalls and are a lot more relaxed in there. (Plus I'm in New Hampshire, it gets COLD and we have coyotes!!!!!)
Add me to the "outside 24/7" group.
We have run-ins in each pasture, but they rarely use them. On extremely bitter, cold, blizzardy days, I feed them their hay in their shelters as it make ME feel better knowing they are in there, but they would be content outside in the weather if left up to them.

I only bring my horses in to stall them for foaling and for any other time that stalling is/may be needed,

I should also mention that I am in northwestern Ontario, Canada, where we get very harsh winter weather!
I must admit that I totally put the nix on heaters or heat lamps. I think heated barns can be unhealthy and heat lamps are dangerous. Thus, we have insullation. My brother in law in Kentucky is a breeder to horses worth millions and he would never put heat in his barns either. But I'm like Lisa, it's important that they have a nice dry place to rest and lay down and park it and get their legs dry.
I leave my minis out 24/7 and they have run in sheds but in winter I do put them in the barn at night except my 2 arabians. Though the 2 arabians will be spending the winter at my parents and my dad said on really nasty days he will put them in the barn. Nice boxstalls, barn sitting empty most of the time, was my horse barn when I lived at home. I miss it as I hardly ever got a sick horse there. The arabians do have a huge huge run in shed to go in. Was built to be a hay shed for round bails but now part of it is machinery with a gate accross so horses can't get to the machinery and other part is there run in. My 2 arabians are there now with my mini gelding who also will spend the winter there. Though I was thinking of leaving some of my minis out this winter in the arabians pasture as the shed is partially heated. I have one mare that won't foal until late 2008 and 3 young fillies who could stay out. They are all still outside now and most times I see them standing out in the rain or snow depending on what the weather is. None of the ones outside have colds or nothing, just my colt from Arkansas is sick and is in the barn. He has a huge boxstall all to himself. Hopefully he recovers soon.
Mine come in at night, or stay in (with short turn outs) if the weather is bad, and I live in Central/northern California where we don't have the bad weather a lot of you do.

I have just always done this.

And I admit it.....In my old age, I want things easier for me. I don't like to get wet, cold, muddy, etc. Been there, got the T-shirts and said I would never have more horses than stalls. (I actually have several empty stalls!!!)

When its pouring down rain, I am happily in the barn cleaning stalls w/my Ipod.

Plus, even though I have very secure fencing, I still worry about stray dogs.

My stallions do have paddocks (at least 30x30) attached to their stalls, and yeppers, they do go out and stand in the rain.LOL.. But I don't get wet feeding them, or cleaning the stalls, so it works for me.

And I also have a indoor arena. So I don't get wet when working horses. I am so very spoiled..LOL

It would be nice to have them out all the time, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, but I just can't do it. Old dog here...LOL

And around 5pm, even with this really nice weather we are having, the horses start standing by the gate to come in.

What ever works best for you is the best way to do it.


(hmmm, can't get the smilies to work)
Mine are out 23/7. he he. I like to bring them in for an hour in the really muddy weather and dry out their feet. I believe and my vet has said the same, that a horse can actually be colder stood in a stall than outside, in minus weather.

Yesterday I was trimming in 40degrees and actually was too warm working in my sweatshirt. I was trimming in my t-shirt. Got in my car, put my sweatshirt on met my family at burgerking and I felt cold sat down eating. I might be backward and have given myself a chill, but it reminded me of the stalled horse verses the moving horse.

Also with natural hoof trimming we encourage the more movement the better, and if you stall at night that is half as much movement for our hooves. But if I was faced with predators or something I think that would trump all.

Often in the winter you see the horses racing around bucking and playing. They are warming themselves up.

Also start warming your horse up and they loose their resistance to the cold. It takes me a month for my blood to start thickening. I am cold right now, but by January and I will wanting to take my sweatshirt off ( I don't though) while my clients are shivering in their ski suits. I always feel so bad when I am taking my time, enjoying the trim and all of a sudden look up and the owners teeth are chattering . :DOH!

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We can get really cold up in the hills here.. Solid frozen ground and water tanks for a couple of months at a time. My horses prefer being outside. Only time any of them will go into a shed when it is hailing hard. Other wise they are happily out in all kinds of weather.

However...the mini's are in at night but not because of the weather....because of the high and active predators we have here. If I did not have that, they would be out 24/7.
Add me to the "outside 24/7" group.
We have run-ins in each pasture, but they rarely use them. On extremely bitter, cold, blizzardy days, I feed them their hay in their shelters as it make ME feel better knowing they are in there, but they would be content outside in the weather if left up to them.

I only bring my horses in to stall them for foaling and for any other time that stalling is/may be needed,

I should also mention that I am in northwestern Ontario, Canada, where we get very harsh winter weather!

We do what Mona does.............We also keep our weanling group just outside the barn -- which has a loafing (porch) area, but if we get a horrible storm I like to shoo them inside the barn, whether they want to go or not.

Otherwise, the stalls are mostly for foaling, a show horse or two, and when someone is sick.

I'd also nix the heating of the barn idea........Having a horse go into a heated area and then back outside can really cause havoc with their respiratory systems. The best thing for keeping a horse warm is the nice thick winter coat that Mother Nature has provided......(not to mention an extra ration of hay!

We have some darn cold winters here in Minnesota. All my horses get big fuzzy coats. We used to try to bring them in and keep them warm, but they actually have done BETTER being outside with just a shelter to get out of the elements (wind, sleet, snow). I haven't had to deal with any respiratory things - colds, snotty noses, runny eyes. It's kinda funny, even when the horses had the option of being inside or going out - the majority of them (all except one former show mare) would head for the far side of the pasture and be perfectly content outside.

Only advice - get a water deicer or warmer. Make sure that they have plenty of water - my horses drink a TON in the winter. Also, check on their body condition frequently - it's easy to mistake fluffy for fat.
[SIZE=12pt]Everything I was going to say, Adam already said
ALL of ours are out now, some in pastures, some in paddocks, but it is very important to make sure they have access to a windproof shelter for when THEY choose it. Do make sure that the dominant horses are not keeping others out when they would rather be in. My old mustang mare (in her more fiesty years) would stand in the doorway with her head outside and not let ANYONE inside
Do your horses stay outside even in cold cold, Winter

Nope. We spent a small fortune in time and money building them a really nice barn and that is what it's for. It's nice and comfortable in there and they love it. My horses do go out daily for a turn out and play time, exercise, whatever , even when it's cold out there because I feel it's important for them to run around etc. but they do come back in the barn. They like to go out and play in the snow, but no, they don't stay out. In severe conditions like blizzards and insane temps and stuff they are totally in the barn. I"ve already had two injured in slipping on the ice and that was enough of that. However, my husband seems to be like yours because he feels that the barn should be warm etc. It is insulated too which is great, but I have to keep reminding him that the barn is not for growing orchids!
DITTO....DITTO....DITTO...........We have a small fortune also in our barns. Have had horses out for tooooooooo long and they got snow/ice packed in their hoofs, that was not a pretty site! Mine go out IF there is no ice, for some exercise and back in they go! My barns are sooo well insulated that I can not even put blankets on the horses, it would be way to hot for them...

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