Does anybody know someone with the SN Dannigirl?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I keep getting e-cards from her, and I don't know who it is. Anybody know?
She's a forum member. Funny the same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago with Christmas e-cards. Got the first one and then everyday they just kept coming.
This happened with 2 forum member's cards. I'm thinking a glitch somewhere on the e-card site?
I have been getting them from Dannigirl, daily for the past couple of weeks. I didnt think it was a glitch in the email, because each card is different. ..and she also said something about, her 15 days of christmas, so I took it like she was mailing them for 15 days to us. Got one today again. Corinne

I am guilty as charged. I took the Christmas e-mail card list and put them in my BlueMountain site address book. Along with my personal friends and family. One night, I got on and found that I could send a card to all of you in about 5 minutes and could also set the card to get to you on a certain day. I got a little carried away. I am sorry and will not do that again. The last ones are set to come on New Years day ( I think) I am sorry if I upset anyone or bothered anyone with these. I did get an e-mail asking me to stop, but the problem is that I cannot stop them once they have been set up (at least I don't know how).

Hope this at least explains them.


Forgot to add that I am taking all the addresses of Forum members out of my e-mail card address book. I do send occasional cards to friends and do not wish to bother anyone on the forum that would rather not get them. If you want to get further ones, you can send me a message and I will then add the address again.

Have a great New Year

Angie, I've gotten your cards, too and I for one love them! Thank you for thinking of me as part of your family.
Angie, I dont mind receiving your cards at all
I really enjoyed them, ....and do want to THANK you for sending all of them. Corinne
Oh Angie, I thought it was sooooooo sweet that you took the time to include us in such a holiday wish. Thank you for thinking of us. I think it was the first card that you sent that you explained that there would be so many days of Christmas Cards. Todays card was very cute.

Happy New Year to You.
Oh you don't have to apoligize to me
. I really did think it was a glitch in the Blue Mountain e-mail program thingie!
You are very thoughtful!
Now that I know what's going on, no need to apologize! I was afraid I was in some scam thing that was going to leave weird cookies or some such!

Thanks Angie - I appreciate it!

At first I thought she was just messing with me, cause you guys, you know I love to be messed with.

But they kept coming so I finally had to ask if it was just me or what?

The cards became the highlight of my day, so please keep me in your address book anytime you get the notion.
Marty said:
At first I thought she was just messing with me, cause you guys, you know I love to be messed with.
But they kept coming so I finally had to ask if it was just me or what?

The cards became the highlight of my day, so please keep me in your address book anytime you get the notion.


OH, Marty, I would NEVER mess with any one
Unless I got a chance, of course. Glad you liked them.

Loved doing them.


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