Dog attack, very long & very graphic

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Oh, Laura.....I am so very sorry!!! This incident is just so painful on so many levels....the pain and trauma your horse went through, your dogs who were loved and a trusted part of your family. I feel awful for you and your family, the horse and the dogs. I hope your horse fully recovers.
Oh My God! I am in total awe over your poor horse. The pain he must be feeling and the fear and trama he went threw! How horrible.

Then for you to have to go threw all this.

I will for sure add you to my prayer list and pray that your horse will heal.

You have done the right thing on getting rid of the dogs.

I have 4 boarder collies, but if any of them ever hurt a horse, I would shoot them where they stood. No ifs ands or buts about it.

Again I am so very sorry for your horse and your family to be going threw all this.


: Laura, I am so sorry for Ramble, I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers he recovers! It is always hard to make the right choice, Thank goodness it didnt also involve a child. ((((( HUGS ))))) please keep us posted...
This story has left me totally devistated for you and yoru sweet Reble. Know you all are in my prayers, I give you high praise for trying tokeep Reble alive and heal, the dogs will be better off elsewhere and you can concentrate on your new family. My deepest sympathy in this horrible time, you can and will survive it with grace and dignity. Warm hugs.
Oh Laura........I can't thank you enough for this post!!!!!!

I will pm you and fully explain but I needed to read this and realise pack mentality.

I am feeling sick looking at the pics of your poor darling Ramble!!!!!!

My heart goes out to you, I love my dogs but seeing this I would make the same choices.

I am so truly sorry for you having to deal with all this on top of everything!!

This should be such a happy time for you, newly wed and a bundle of joy on the way!

I hope Ramble heals well.
Laura - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family right now. How devastating to have your own dogs do such a terrible thing to your gelding. The dogs need to go - no doubt about that - as they can not be trusted with horses or children ever again. We have 3 "outside" dogs - 2 Great Pyr and one mixed breed - and I always have had in the back of my mind - the worry about "what-if".

I hope that this added stress does not cause you to get get sick - stay strong as we are all thinking and praying for you.

Give your little girl and your beautiful gelding a big hug from Canada.
I am so sorry. You are doing the right thing by getting rid of the dogs, what a terribly hard decision. ((hugs))
Bless your heart. I know how you feel. My husbands australian shepherd attacked my tiny stud and the dog which I had bought for my husband for a Christmas present was put down that afternoon when my husband came home from work. I hope he heals ok. Good Luck.
I'm very sorry to hear what happened to you...
I just got my first mini's for my little girl) This is a very hard time for you. And please(I can't stress this enough) take care yourself and your little one on the way.. I went threw a stessful time when I was preg. with my daughter and wasn't taking the best care of myself.(My mother got really sick) I ended up in preterm labor. My Faith was born 13 wks to soon. So please take the time to rest... And you are doing what is best for everyone. I love all of my animals like they are my children, I had to make the choice when we had a choc. lab pup turn on us. He was only 6 mon. and the vet said it was from breeding. He was for my son, and then turned on him... He didn't get hurt, and was gone that day.. So take care and you will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Bless your heart to have to deal with all of this. I pray the gelding fully recovers with no complications. I commend you for taking the necessary steps to prevent this from happening again. Family dogs can turn in to dogs that do things bad. God Bless you and your family as you go thru this healing time.

Laura, I am just so very sorry that any of this happened... :no:

Bless your heart, Ramble's, and your dogs.

Thank You for sharing your heartbreak and pain with us, as it will keep the rest of us on our toes, and our eyes open. I am just so very, very sorry...

: I will be sending prayers and positive thoughts for all of you.

Oh my goodness I can't even begin to wonder how you all must be feeling! I am soooo very sorry for your little Reble, thats just so heartbreaking what happened to him. And the fact of having to move your beloved dogs is another heartbreak. I'm hoping and praying dear Reble comes out of this completely so little Mia can have fun showing and loving him. I'm so sorry this happened.
Laura I am sorry to hear this has happen to y'all and I am praying for a speedy recovery on Ramble. I know it is a hard decision to do what you are having to with the dogs, but it is the best and I know it was heart wrenching to report this dog attack of Mia special gelding. GOD WILL BLESS YOU and I am praying every thing will come out in your favor 10 folded.

Laura, poor girl I am soooooooo sorry for you and Ramble and everyone. What a tragedy. I hope Ramble makes it really for Mia's sake.

Laura, my dogs are terribly protective and territorial and my place is fixed so that they cannot have access to the barnyard or fields. They can patrol around the house but they can't get in with the horses at all. They can't get through the field fencing or the gates and are not loose when I'm not home. Although they have been stomped and abused and chased by my horses, I would not trust them for a minute to be alone with them unsupervised.

I'm really sorry you are having to be drug back to court at a time like this especially when so much is going on. Just not fair. Hang in there mom, this too shall pass.........big hugs for you.

I'm so sorry this happened. It's amazing what we think animals WON'T do. I would have made the same decisions as you. I love my dogs as well, but if they hurt a horse, they're gone. I hope Ramble recovers well and quickly. The anal injury is a very serious one.
How awful for you. I hate dog attacks but would never have thought of my own dogs being the attackers! I hope Ramble recovers. I would have made the same decision as you regarding the dogs.....but I know how much my heart would break as I'm sure yours is doing.
oh, poor boy! I sure hope he makes it without infection- what pain and fear he must have endured (and is still enduring!). I know that dealing with the dogs now is difficult. I am sure you'll make the best decisions for you and your family.

Will be hoping for the best on his recovery

Oh, Laura - my heart is just breaking for you. I can not even imagine what you are going through - I know how much you love all your animals. I pray for Ramble and hope he is able to recover. We are all thinking of you and are here to support you.

Liz R.
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