dog lovers--Parvo questions

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I have to disagree with you HG

Bleach will kill it this is per our vet that treats our reg. akc champion aust. cattle dogs.........

you have to do it more then one time. Dr. Privited said that you need to do it 2 or more times. and yes it has to be done. if not done dont think about getting another dog for about 7 to 10 years.

Yes I hope her dogs makes it thur this. in the same token she needs to bleach everthing down to the towels and the yard and his bed. and if she can her house just not the outside.

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I read on a website that once puppies get it--they won't get it later in life. And twice I've read it's good to hose the yard down with water. I wish there was some consistency.

I bleached his crate tray, all his towels, toys, and bowls.

It has to be good that he's not vomited since he's been there, had never diarhea, and doesn't have a temp today. I feel with a few more days rest with fluids, he'll be ready to come home.
There is a homeopathic remedy too that helps its called Parvaid.

I would bleach not only where he went potty but the whole back yard. Get a lawn sprayer and hook it to the hose. The parvo virus can live for 6 months or more. Don't forget to disinfect your house and clothes too. There are other sprays that will work but none are as good as plain old bleach. But they won't bleach out your sofa, or smell so clean.
Our Sheba came to us with parvo. We got her from the SPCA and she'd had her first shots--I brought her home on a Thursday & she seemed okay, if quite docile--not unusual for a puppy in a new home. Friday she was very lethargic, not at all playful. Late that night she started throwing up, but we didn't know why. Next morning the lady at the shelter called to ask how was our puppy. I said sick--why, what's wrong with her??? She said parvo--one of Sheba's litter mates (already in a home) had died, and two others, still at the shelter, were sick. We took Sheba into the clinic right away and she stayed there until Monday. By Monday afternoon she was better--the vet said she could go home. When I went to get her and they brought her out she didn't look better--but as soon as she saw me she perked up. I was surprised she knew me, since she'd been here such a short time. She came home & was soon 100% well. Just that one pup died--the shelter pups that were at the vet clinic were sicker than Sheba was but they pulled through. Sheba lived a normal, healthy life--no after effects from having parvo when she was 3 months old.

As for expecting your vet to take responsibility for your pup getting sick, and reducing or deleting your bill--I'm afraid I wouldn't expect that. The clinics here will warn an owner if they've had a parvo case in the clinic recently. I have the vet come out to do my puppy vaccines--that way I know there will be no exposure to anything at the clinic. If I couldn't get the vet to come out I would take the pup in but ask the vet to come out to the truck to give the vaccines....and if a dog (any age, not just pups) goes into the clinic for anything (surgery, treatment, whatever) and hasn't had its parvo shots, the clinics make the owner sign a waiver, saying that they understand the risk of infection at the clinic, and will not hold the clinic responsible for any illness the dog may develop.

I realize that in an emergency situation you don't have a lot of options. I have called ahead & asked if the clinic has had any parvo dogs in recently & if they say yes I'll call a different clinic & ask the same question of them. I know the vets do their best to prevent the spread of any infection, but with parvo it's so hard to eliminate the virus from the premises they they can only try their best, with no guarantees.
If it were me, I'd do all the suggestions.....including the Tamiflu, AND the Bleach water spray over your yard.

One thing I was told, but it may be wrong, is that your pup WILL develop an immunity. If there was no immunity, Parvo would be an epidemic! However, I have no doubt that a dog could contract it again, but not so badly......Sort of like the flu?

BTW, your vet IS A JERK. Once this situation is over, I'd fire him and hire a different one in your area. What's scary is that if he indeed does have the Parvo Virus in his clinic, he is risking infecting hundreds of dogs.
I am praying Buddy will be fine and happy soon!!!! They get under your skin so fast and it is hard not to worry about them all the time.
Karla --

I've read what you posted and don't really have much insight, but I really hope your puppy will be okay.

About 11 years ago, when we got Willow (shih-tzu), she became very, very sick w/in just a couple days of bringing her home. She went to the vets and her parvo test was negative, however, the symptoms she had were very much like parvo. When I asked what her chances were, our vet at the time basically said sometimes miracles happen, but she was not optimistic. I just remember how much I loved her already and how it just wrenched my heart to see her so sick.

Willow stayed all day at the vets and got meds and fluids. When we picked her up to come home for the first night (and then she had to be back at the vets in the morning), they put fluid in her but just under her skin to absorb through the night. It was like she had bloomers on, it was all around her hips.

She made it, but it was just one of the most upsetting things H and I have ever dealt with and we didn't think she'd live.

When we've had our other puppies, I have juggled taking them in for a "puppy checkup" with the risk of exposure to parvo, etc., at the vets. I don't remember now what we decided with each puppy, but I know it was something we really thought on. We do shots for our adult dogs, and I may do the full puppy series for our next puppy myself specifically to keep them out from the risk of being exposed until fully vaccinated. It's a tough call and my heart goes out to you guys.
Hunterridgefarm, perhaps that is the trick... they were never told to bleach repeatedly- just once, and it apparently was not enough!! Good grief.

I also have heard they can get it again, just not as badly, but who wants to go through that twice?!! I have never known anyone though, if it helps any, whose dog got it again!

Hope your little guy comes home soon... sounds like he is hanging in there actually!
I called--talked to Dr F. He said Buddy is more depressed today and he threw-up once. He surprised me by saying he'd not count him out just yet. He is going to try something orally in liquid to give him energy today--he said he has to get it past his digestive system--something like that. I asked if we visited today, if this morning or later would be better--he said later, so he knows if he throws-up it was not from getting excited from the visit. I'm to call at 2:00.

I feel so badly for this puppy. I can't help but wonder if we should let him go. I'll call at 2:00 and see how things are going.

Someone emailed and suggested a see if they'd allow me to give Buddy one of my t-shirts--to be disposed of later. I wore one all morning and now have it on the line in case they say it's okay.
I hope you don't give up. But you will know when you would have to Karla. Throwing up might be him trying to kick the stuff outta his system. He has come this far.

The t-Shirt idea is wonderful!!! C'Mon Buddy, your Mom wants you home healthy and causing trouble!!!!!
BUDDY is BETTER!!! I called the doc at 2:00 on the dot and he said he is happy because Buddy kept down whatever it is he gave him. He allowed us a short visit. Buddy's eyes looked much better--well--at least a few smidgens. He opened them further and stood up when he saw me. He licked my face.
I put my t-shirt in for him and when we left he was laying on it--with his cone thing--but he seemed happy it was there.

YAY!!! I love this part of the roller-coaster ride.
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Yay you are such a good Mama! Glad to hear the update. They are really resilient little beings. So happy to see this update!!!
I'm glad to read the update that Buddy is holding down meds. I just wanted to share that my first dog developed a *BAD* case of parvo and lived to be 12 years old, only getting sick again at the end of her life. She was in the vet clinic for almost 2 full weeks before we were able to bring her home. This was back in 1981, so treatments have probably changed for the better (I'd hope).

Keep us posted on Buddy's progress.
Thank you.
I just can't wait to hear "Buddy can go home!" My husband will be just as happy. He said he misses him. Funny how the lil guy can be with us such a short time and grow on our hearts in such a big way. I think Jill and Crabby said somethig about that, too. It feels like a family member is missing. My children were shocked when we broke the news of a new puppy--we're so careful about adding anything. Rachel said it's a mid life baby in canine.

He's very skiny, again. But, if there's one thing I'm good at it's fattening up animals. I think the Budster will need special bland food for awhile when he gets home.

He's just gotta make it.

Here are some photos in case you didn't go to the link:

When he first came:





After he came back to us from his head trauma:


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He was getting better every day...


Taken the day we returned to the vet to hear the Parvo diagnosis.


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How cute he is!!! It sounds much better today! Hang in there that is great news!! Saying a couple of little prayers for Buddy and hope he just continues to improve!!!
Man he has some expressive eyes!!!! What a doll and hope he is hope soon!
Oh my gosh he is just too precious for words. I'm so glad to hear about the good news of him getting better. I hope he will be coming home very soon. I must have missed something....what happened with his head? OMG my heart goes out to this little soul.
I just love looking at his pictures. My daughter teased me about having 100s of photos of him so far--but I wanted to catch all his expressions and postures.
He has those "I'm so sorry" eyes. Besides, it's fun to have a new focus other than horses and flowers.

Sterling--for the whole story, go to the link at the original post and go to page three--the story of the head trauma is there. We are not 100% sure what happened. It was a horrible experience for all of us.
Loves his pictures, such big sad eyes

So glad to hear he has taken the turn for a speedy recovery, he will be home in know time..

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