I have 7 donkeys so you can imagine how loud it can get here at times!! I have my jennys in with my mini horses as guard donkeys and they only time they will bray is if something is "near" there pasture that shouldnt be or when my foaling season starts ..then those jennys can beat my equipage system, to alert me..hahah!!!! We have 160 acres so we dont have any neighbors living right next door to us but I have talked with all my neighbors and have told them if the braying ever bothers them ..just let me know, and I can stall them to quit them down. My neighbor called me a few weeks back to tell me he had been hearing my donkeys around 5 pm every night like clockwork, and would look outside and there would be the neighborhood bear coming into our field where my horse pastures are, and the donkeys would be braying up a storm at him, he would walk right along the fence line and continue on his journey, this went on for a good 2 weeks. (yes, it was a scary time..and my horses were watched so darn closely, and put in the barn at night!) now he has found a new "route" to take and we dont see him anymore. But my jennys sure left me and the neighbors know he was around. My neighbors LOVE my donkeys. Corinne