Don't want to be a whiny baby, but ILL again

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Straits Area Michigan
Sorry gang, but I've fallen into total disrepair and see no hope right now. I'm so down I can hardly stand it and just guess I need to vent since I'm trying to keep from telling my kids till after my grand sons open house the 24th...I only hope I can make the trip to go down and help.My daughter had unexpected surgery so really needs my help!

I had to spend the day at the hospital yesterday and will be spending three more on outpatient basis in next week or so..

I've been diagnosed with Neuropathy to go along with my other problems. They're not sure from where since I don't have Diabetes. It's extremely painful, especially in my feet and whatever parts of the bed I lay on the bed at night. Also have Bronchitis and they think I had a slight heart attack again ..dang! I was in tears yesterday at drs..drove myself in as didn't want Carl to know how sick I really was.Dr said not to drive home and made me call Carl.

I was so weak I needed wheelchair when I got there and blood tested only 89 on gloucuse finger tip test..

Now i have to have a chemical stress test which I've had before and scares me to death, 1 in 5000 have a stroke during and I had a stroke a year and a half ago. Also have to have MRI's, Emg's on my back nerves, and more x-rays. I have someting going on in my heart they need to find and try to fix.

They don't want me to travel..SO where does this leave me with my dear Shammy? The Lignite cart Crl got me for Christmas won't be delivered till August at last report so I havent' even driven her yet. Carl is going to use Shadows cart to drive her just for excercize even though it will be a little longer shafts than she's used to.

We did get her a new leather harness and she's looking pretty good and is spoiled:) I love her so much but if I can't use her we will have to offer her back to her former owner as Carl can't use three horses alone, and we promised she would be used.

I've been sick a while..get on here when I can but not up to it much and don't want to drag you people down. Now you know what's going on hope you'll forgive my occasional mood swings.

I love you all, and care about you are truly my second family. Please put me on your prayer list and I'll be on here to harass you when I can.

I'm so sorry you are going through this right now. Lots of ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) and prayers
: coming your way, I hope things start looking up for you in the near future and everything works out for the best. If ever you need anything you know we are always here for you.
Maxine, I am so sorry to learn about all your medical problems. I went through three major surgeries in just under six months a few years back. Each time they were certain I had cancer. Luckily, they were very wrong each time. After awhile it got to where I was afraid to go to the doctor for fear of what he might find. Hang in there. Get the tests done, find out exactly what's going on, and then get it fixed. They have made so much progress in treating disease so don't give up on being able to drive yet. As long as you can still function, there is hope:) I'll be praying for you and thinking about you. Jo
Oh's a ((HUGG)) for you. Seems like there's alot on your plate right now and you want to be well to do the things you enjoy so much. I wish, hope and pray that very soon all of this will have gone on the wayside and that things start looking brighter for you. You are going thru alot right now, but getting thru this you may just realize that you can go back eventually and drive and all...little by little....step by step....please try not to overwhelm yourself. Go thru the tests and take one day at a time. I will keep you in my prayers.
: Many Prayers and Good Positive Thougths coming your way Maxine!!

It is hard, but don't let it get you down, don't give up!

If you can, go out and share some love with your Special Girl and enjoy each others company! It is amazing how these tiny little creatures can make such a Big impact on your life, and help SO much just by being around them!

Do keep us posted Maxine, I have been wondering where you have been, please keep us up on what is going on, ok?

Oh my goodness Maxine,no wonder you are feeling down!!!

I would be depressed as he&(!

we need to get together on the board and send some energy to you!! I will be sending some in the next few days!

Hang in there and we will look out for you!


{{{{{{Many Hugs}}}}}}

I'm so sorry. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh no Maxine, I am so sorry to hear of all your problems. Sending prayers and well wishes your way. (((HUGS)))
Hey you! I'm here for you and I also will send my best energy for you, know how much you are loved dear friend and you holler if I can help in any way!
So sorry you are having a tough time. I have to think that better times are out there and the reason you're having to go through all the tests and such is so you can have a better quality of life soon....

I very much hope for it for you.

Liz M.
I hope and pray for the best for you Maxine. I hope you get some really good news after all the tests are said and done. You are in my thoughts. Been missing your posts.

Hang in there Maxine, you can get through this.

We are all pulling for you.
Sorry to hear this Maxine....Here's a big ((((HUG))))for you. Hope you can get out and enjoy your horses and life!!!

Hey Hey Hey Maxinne!!!!!!!

2 summers ago I was a complete mess. I had a mini stroke, and my levels were all goofed up , I was sick every single day and couldn't be left alone, had another surgery, and I couldn't function worth a crap. I actually had to use the scooter in Walmart just to get around to shop and have my oldest son drive me around just so I could get somewhere. I was on more pills that you could imagine.

And look at me now!!!!!!!! yuk

It's going to be better I promise!

You just have another hurdle to get over and I promise you, you will!

Don't worry about the horse now. The horse is fine. The horse is happy and not starving and will do great without forced exercise so don't dwell on that.

Take care of YOU first. The rest will fall in place.

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