Dormosedan... orally?

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That's just what I was going to say Carin, thanks for confirming that. 2 or 3 cc is such a little bit I don't think much of it does actually get swallowed.

In any case, we pay more like $78 for 100 ml of banamine (or rather the generic form of it--actual Banamine would be over $100 for 100 ml and I don't think the clinics here even stock the "real thing". I also don't think that banamine paste is available here. Again, the clinics just don't stock it.

As well, I think someone that used the paste once told me that it takes longer to work? The liquid works just about as quick as an IM injection.
Well I had no idea I would cause such a controversy LOL. Just throwing out what I was told by my vet. He told me to stop doing that so I did. we dont use a lot of banamine but I always keep a tube of paste on hand so spending 20.00 a couple times per year isnt a big deal. Clipper blades cost me way more

The paste does take longer to kick in so if we have a horse in really bad distress my neighbor will come and give banamine IV for me until a vet arrives. For minor things though it works fine

Like I have said many times before ask 10 different vets and you will probably get 10 different opinions
I think there's a misconception that banamine or other injectables that can be given orally have to be swallowed. They don't. They are actually rather rapidly ABSORBED into the soft tissues of the oral cavity
Glad to see that in print from someone who actually knows
. I'd always assumed that was the case. They get such a relatively small amount that it seems much of it would be absorbed, and as for the taste I've never had one really object. It's just down the hatch in a hurry and most scarcely seem to notice it. I don't know about horses taste receptors but assume it's something like us - sweet, sour etc are tasted on different parts of the tongue so perhaps putting it farther back in the mouth helps. (also keeps it in the mouth as opposed to on your shirt

I give banamine orally always - unless vet is doing IV - and have given dormosedan both IM and orally. Used banamine IM for many years with no issue but no point in pushing your luck lol.

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I don't thnk anyone should do anything that they don't check out with their own vet first. Just because my vets say it will work for me doesn't mean your vet will think the same way. Always discuss things of this nature with a vet you are comfortable with.
I agree that this is a very valuable thread.
We have used liquid Banamine orally for several years without a problem. Every vet we use knows that we administer it orally and have no problem about it.

I had no idea about the Dormosedan. That is wonderful information.

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