Jill, container gardens are a great way to "start" to garden. As Susanne says, start with something you love.....why do the work for nothing? Sorry, we just can't "grow" ready to use vodlka
or I'd do it! BUT...a tomato plant is great, green peppers, etc. Very easy for a container. If you like herbs, things like basil, cilantro, etc. are so, so easy to put into a little container and have it on a porch/deck, to just pick when cooking.
Right now, not having had my tiller fixed, I am collecting the partially ruined water tubs. I buy the 20 gal ones with rope handles and use in the pastures. After a yr or two, they begin to get brittle and crack (of course, horsey butt rubs make it worse)....usually the top rim goes first and I pull them out of the field. Since I find I have about 6 of them now, I am going to wrap them with good ole duct tape a couple times to help keep them strong since rim is gone....poke some holes in bottom and place where I want them to be, THEN fill with dirt/manure and pop a tomato plant in each or a couple green pepper plants, etc. Later, I can build a raised bed fram around them, break them apart and let the dirt fill the new bed (at end of harvest, of course).
Can you tell I don't have an "H" around to help out anymore?
So, try to make things easier on my old muscles! I do love the fresh veggies and recycling the tubs. So, think "container gardening" to start. Less weeding, too!!!