Driving an Older Pony?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2003
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Ok so a OLD pony!

We have a old sheatland 25+ She has not toted a kid around for 2 years well today I got a wild idea and hooked her up to my B size mini cart and harness she is a small sheatland! I ground drove her just for a few min then sat down on the cart she drove like she has been doing it forever! We have had her 10 years and never drove her!

My question is! Is it mean or wrong to drive her? She seemed to enjoy it and we just walked on the flat!

What do you guys think?

I think that as long as you go easy on her you should be alright. Does she have any health issues? I don't think you are being mean to her. She is probably happy to have a job again. Most ponies enjoy working as long as they are not abused in the process.

She dose not have any health issues! She seems soo much happier after her little drive yesterday!! She has been kinda crabby the last few months and she is back to her sweet self now!! Now time for the challenge of finding her a used cart and harness!! The mini stuff is a little small!!!!!

Thanks again

If she's happy & healthy and you are happy and you take it easy I see absolutely no reason not to drive her. Like mcharr said, she's probably just thrilled to have a job again.

My 42 inch Shetland gelding takes a B mini sized harness. All we've had to do is get a longer girth piece because he has a bit deeper body than a B mini would. He even takes a 3.5 inch mini bit.
My only problem with the B harness his the over check ans martingale were to short!! The other thing is I need a pony cart because when I hooked her up I felt like I was leanning back! So for now we will just do some ground work!

Thanks for all your input!
I don't know about driving (thats what I hope to learn here) - but I do know about old ponies! We lost Shaggy 2 years ago at 38 years old (Shetland), and Cocoa about 10 years ago - he was 45 years old when he died (Quarter pony)! Both of them were very useful into their mid 30's
. So, as long as she's enjoying it and you're not pushing too much, I think it's great to give her something to do
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A few years back, I rescued an old silver bay Shetland gelding. The lady gave me his cart and harness to go with him, though I never thought I'd use it. I got the old boy healthy again, and had a vet check. Vet said that he had some issues, and was in his mid 20's (not teens like I'd been told), but he said some light driving shouldn't hurt him if he looked comfortable with it. I hooked him up and he turned into a prancing 5 year old pony! He loved driving! I do believe it kept him young at heart. When we lost Onslow a few years later to an intestinal tumor, the vet commented that he was sure in good condition.

If you're in any doubt, have your vet check her out. I had our vet do a full "pre-purchase" before I felt comfortable asking Onslow to drive. I think keeping an older horse active helps them physically and mentally.
RNR said:
My only problem with the B harness his the over check ans martingale were to short!! The other thing is I need a pony cart because when I hooked her up I felt like I was leanning back! So for now we will just do some ground work!
Thanks for all your input!


Were the shafts too short or was it just the wheels were too small? Some carts it is pretty easy to swap out wheels - most Shetlands take a 24 inch and most pony carts come with 60 inch shafts (which IMO are sometimes a bit too long - they should offer something between the 48 inch mini ones and the 60 inch pony!)

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