Drop off update!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2003
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So the 4th of July weekend I got a surprise coming out my door in the morning to find a mini grazing in my yard...not mine....obviously a drop off. Here she is the day I found her.




Three weeks later with plenty of hay and a bit of grain wormer and lice dust here is Rebecca! Will never be a show stopper but she is starting to show a very sweet side.


Oh man she looks amazing.. I just how a lil elbow grease can transform anything. She looks wonderful. Thank god she does have you
Awwww... what a good job you are doing with her!!!

How old do her teeth look to you?

I have tears in my eyes! AWESOME!!

You are a blessing to that mare!
You have done a terrific job with her but I expected no less. She looks awesome. did you ever find out any more about her past...will you be keeping her? heidi
Much much MUCH better!!!! And it hasn't even been a month yet! PLEASE keep giving us updates. Trust me, I remember Rebecca!!!

she looks so good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for taking her in ! she needed you and thank good ness for people like you that care enuff

your doing a great job she looks to have the sweetest face
Thank you so much for your kindness to this little one! You are a true earth angel!


What is so very sad, and pains me each time I look at her is if in three weeks on normal feedings she looks like this, how long must it have taken to put her in the condition she was. We've alot to make up for with this one.

Looking at teeth it looks like she's shed her front caps not too long ago, she is a young mare. I don't know yet if I will keep her, if someone came along that could give her more personal one on one time and could assure a good home, I think that would be the best place for her, meanwhile she needs to learn to lead better and to trust we mean to do the best for her.........

GOD (or insert your higher power here) BLESS YOU for taking care of her and making her look so good.
You are an angel.
Thank you for extending your home and love to take this girl in and grooming, feeding and sharing your hard earned resources with her. You have done a great job. Hoping once you get her in shape you can find her a wonderful home that will love and cherish her. Blessings to you.
She sure ended up in the right place! She looks great good job
YOU are amazing. Rebecca feels quite good now and it is all you and your good care. Proud a you I am, others may well have sent her packin to the authorities but she came to you cuz she needed "you".

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