I saw this on a thread (down below my comments) not meaning to start a panic here but
I was unaware that AMHR did or allowed drug testing as done by the registry itself. I know some states require it at all shows like CA but it is the state testing not the registry.
At the open BOD meeting at Convention last year there was some talk about implementing drug testing but I was not aware of it actually happening as of yet
if AMHR/ASPC is actually testing as quoted in the rule book on Karens thread that leaves a lot of unaswered questions for me some of which are
Has anyone actually had a horse tested by AMHR/ASPC? What are the rules of such drug testing is it a urine only test? Are you allowed to reject a blood test and make the testers wait for urine (like they do in other breeds)
Is there a listed chart of substances allowed or not allowed and at what level it is deemed unacceptable?
Who are the authorized testers and vet? What lab has the registry designated for these results?
Who is in charge at the registry of getting and keeping said results (since the testing vet has no idea the end result of the tests)
I would really like to see all of these rules and regulations and personal in charge of this program described in our rule book where Karen S pointed it out. I have not yet looked it up but she knows her rule book rather well
I was unaware that AMHR did or allowed drug testing as done by the registry itself. I know some states require it at all shows like CA but it is the state testing not the registry.
At the open BOD meeting at Convention last year there was some talk about implementing drug testing but I was not aware of it actually happening as of yet
if AMHR/ASPC is actually testing as quoted in the rule book on Karens thread that leaves a lot of unaswered questions for me some of which are
Has anyone actually had a horse tested by AMHR/ASPC? What are the rules of such drug testing is it a urine only test? Are you allowed to reject a blood test and make the testers wait for urine (like they do in other breeds)
Is there a listed chart of substances allowed or not allowed and at what level it is deemed unacceptable?
Who are the authorized testers and vet? What lab has the registry designated for these results?
Who is in charge at the registry of getting and keeping said results (since the testing vet has no idea the end result of the tests)
I would really like to see all of these rules and regulations and personal in charge of this program described in our rule book where Karen S pointed it out. I have not yet looked it up but she knows her rule book rather well

ASPC/AMHR Rule Regarding Drugs:
Part 13 – Drugs
A. The use of stimulants, depressants, or any drug
affecting the showing of a horse in halter or
performance is strictly forbidden. Exception:
Therapeutic medication necessary for treatment of an
illness or injury. The show management and Show
Steward shall report to the ASPC/AMHR Board any
person known to have administered stimulants or
depressants. The ASPC/AMHR Board has the power
to hold a hearing regarding such use and to issue such
penalties as it deems necessary.
B. All horses shown at ASPC/AMHR shows are subject
to drug testing and failure to comply by a trainer,
owner, or agent is to be considered an admittance of
C. All therapeutic medication given to a horse showing
must be reported to the show management with such
information as drug type, dose given, time given, etc.
Many therapeutic medications will show up positive
on a drug test and, if so, and it has not been reported,
will be considered a forbidden substance.
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