Early Shedding Out on Pregnant Mare?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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I have a mare that is pregnant for the first time and due on Easter. We live in Southern California and it has been unusually warm, but mixed up with rainy weather. I don't think it's been any different than any other winter we've had, but in the last week, she has started shedding out like crazy. Should I have any concerns? Am I being overly concerned? I am a first timer also, having never gone through foaling. Thanks for any help or thoughts.
Pregnant mares shed earlier than the rest. Its hormonal!!
My pg mares are really starting to shed, I scratch em and get a hand full of long hair.

I'm in Idaho.....brrrrrrrr!
I'm also in So. Cal. and ALL of my horses have started shedding!! :new_shocked:

Liz R.
We noticed on Christmas eve day that our horses are shedding--yearlings, geldings, pregnant mares--that's very early for our horses; I think the earliest we've had one start before is mid January.

Here in Manitoba our winter has been very mild, but no sunlight--we've had cloud, cloud & more cloud.
I've noticed over the years that my bred mares have started shedding earlier than most of the other horses. Of course, if they feel anything like I did when I was pregnant, they'll soon be out there clipping each other! That little daughter of mine was sure a hot furnace when I was carrying her!

One of our stallions, and now his coming four year old son, is always the first to start shedding no matter how cold it is. I notice it usually about two weeks after the winter solstice
Just noticed that my mare that is due Jan. 31 is really shedding fast.

The other mare is shedding, but not quite as much.

I do notice the pregnant mares seem to be the first ones to shed and they do so more quickly, around here.

Liz M.
Just noticed today that mine are shedding as well. They have been holding on to it but the farrier was out today and when I came in I had hair all over my clothes.

My pregnant mares do shed before the rest if they are due early. I usually do not have foals before mid April here as the weather is too unpredictable before then. So they are shedding along with the rest.

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