Economic Fairness, Socialism, Horses & The American Way

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
"Economic Fairness" is Obamaspeak for Socialism.

There is nothing fair about it. Socialism is un-American, and redistribution punishes success...

If any of you think economic fairness, class warfare, and redistribution sound like a nice ideas, just think of your horses.

Many of you have spent a lot of time, effort and money building your breeding herd and show string. Not everyone has horses as nice as yours, or as nice as mine.

To most people on earth, it's an unimaginable luxury to own a horse and most of you own more than one.

A lot of people are breeding poor quality and would probably love to have one of your nice mares or stallion, maybe even your National Champion.

So, how would you like to "redistribute" your herd so that it's all "fair" and everyone can have their own nice horse?
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That is the way Agenda 21 wants everything to be.... you take from those who 'has it' and gives to those that doesn't. So you all work harder out there so I can get my free whatever that I didnt earn.

However, dont think that anyone will be raising horses by the time it's in full swing- as those are not 'sustainable' animals and not a necessity. Do some research on Agenda 21 and then tell me if you are not scared out of your pants.
Agenda 21 is an ugly part of the Progressive Political Agenda. Our Nation needs to wake up. Even our "poor" have food, electricity, plumbing, TV, A/C, Internet... vastly better off than most people on the planet. If we as a Nation are not wiser, we will "redistribute" ourselves out of everything that makes us America.
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Amen! A friend's bumper sticker says it best......." Your fair share is not in my wallet!"
"Economic Fairness" is Obamaspeak for Socialism.

There is nothing fair about it. Socialism is un-American, and redistribution punishes success...

If any of you think economic fairness, class warfare, and redistribution sound like a nice ideas, just think of your horses.

Well made points Miss Jill,

However it deals with but one facet of "economic fairness" Lets expand this myopic view and speak to true economic fairness. Namely the private banks stranglehold on creating money.

It is just as easy to create a "dollar" as it is a bond. Both are printed out of thin air and can be backed by nothing of intrinsic value.

The BIG difference is that the bond is created in debt owed to the private banker and the dollar is not. Rather, the dollar is spent into existence. The difference is staggering as it effects both, the economy and the individual.

The dollar created by the treasury as Constitutionally mandated creates NO debt.

The bond always creates debt. ALWAYS. The question never really answered in truth, is to whom is the debt owed? Answering this one question expands ones understanding of our current standing....

So if we are to really and truthfully speak of economic fairness, We must address the two major controllers and killers of an economy

Those two things are, the debt money system (bonds) and fractional reserve banking (creating both money and debt) by the private banks.

Another HUGE benefit of doing this, is that the "business cycle" goes away. Yep bye bye. For it is the central banker that creates these "boom and bust" cycles through first expansion and then cruel contraction of the money supply.

This is econ 101. and historically proven whether one wants to agree or not.

Historically (8 times in our country's history) when we have removed these two very negative money policies, our country and economy has flourished.

Interestingly (and sadly), when we have had Presidents willing to abide by the Constitution in money matters and rescind the private banks ability to create and control our money, those presidents to a man have been assassinated. Well with the notable exception of Andrew Jackson. But it wasn't like they didn't try, ol Andy just was fortunate to come out on top. Just prior to his death, he was asked what he thought his greatest achievement was. He simply said, "That I killed the Bank". When those bankers are on record having said, in para, If you don't do as we demand, you will find yourself in a war", and then you do, said central bankers do NOT have your best interest at heart.

The fix is quite simple, would take one to two years to retire outstanding bonds and replace with dollars, would be relatively (to us) painless and would bring all banks to 100% reserves.

Of course and as historically proven, If we decide to be like brave little Iceland today or America of the past during brief interludes from financial

rape, we had better gird ourselves for war, because they won't give up their stranglehold with out a fight. "They" will be more like a jilted lover in that if they can't have us, than no one will.

Hopefully bein a money girl and all I'm not telling you anything new. Neither accidental or purposeful myopia helps us out of the trouble and freight train that is about to run us all over.

Respectfully submitted,

I think you make some very astute points, Bb

There are a number of factors manipulating our economy and places to lay blame, but the class warfare assault, in my opinion, is coming from the progressive left.

My hope was to personalize what I think is going on with that front, in terms of what it really means for both sides (the "haves" and the "wish they had mores")
Very good points all.... however most folks dont even want to have a myopic view- they would rather close both eyes and avoid looking altogether!
Simple but to the point!
Was so pleased to see my post received in the manner in which I meant it.

Our focus is many times torn away from us because we buy into the divisional tactics. Said division occurs on MANY different levels. We must at all times not allow our otherwise rational and critical thinking process to be high jacked in this way. Now, I am hopeful that you will thoughtfully consider what may be a bombshell to some, BUT absolutely true and easily proved.

(takes a deep and prayerful breath...)

The socialism you mention and its attendant counterpart, communism came from somewhere. Few are bold enough to ask "where" and further, to pursue the answer.

The answer in the end is traceable to a little place in London called the city and the banking houses that exist there and rule nearly all the world. Their divisional tactic of "communism" created the schism needed to advance the interest and control of these banking houses. Time and space would not permit a proper treatise to prove the point but I will posit one VERY illumitive tidbit.

Russia under Czar Nicholas was the last European hold-out against the central bankers. They refused to allow their money to be controlled by these private interest! Said interests have VERY long memories and also remembered Russia's navel blockade (against English interests) support during our banker induced "civil" war. The banker backed and funded "revolution" in that country had the Bolsheviks lining up and murdering the Czar and his entire family. Those were the marching orders from these interests and they were followed to the letter.

That Lenin would later complain that these very same interests now controlled Russia the the issuance of currency (a public statement and as such provable),

indicates that the "leaders" of the central bank dominated countries was/is titular at best.

I submit to you that "socialism" as a forced political agenda, is a purposeful divisional tactic. It is senseless in light of it's abject and provable failure everywhere its ever been tried. JUST like (I might add) debt money systems. ALL have failed through-out time.

This is my point, When we continue to have our interests eaten up by divisional tactics, we can NEVER arrive at proper consensus. We are taken up with the purposed myopic view of dealing with a mere symptom rather than dealing with the root cause. Whose purpose does this serve best? There really is only one answer.

After reviewing a DVD series called "The Money Masters" (which I HIGHLY recomend), I had a glimpse of confirmation about myself and how I relate to the "one party masquerading as two" political system of today.

It has been said of me that " I am so conservative that I make Rush Limbaugh look like the flaming liberal he is". While I wear this distinction with pride, it is only because I am a Constitutionalist and he provably is not. I am not busting on him, merely stating fact. I DO tend to agree with him on many points except when it comes to the Constitution. I find that this is way of it with republicans today. I know why and have even stated here why. In reviewing this DVD, I found that the most cogent and Constitutional warnings about the central bank and what it would do to us and our beloved country came from democrats NOT republicans. It explains why I am able to find common ground with which to converse among and with old school democrats. The rebublican and its recent version of the tea party (number two), outright refuses to either hear or converse.

Rather it is they, in short order, who resort to name calling and all manner of attack on a truth teller and dismiss them out of hand. Now the far left does this as well, it just doesn't seem as noticeable.

In closing I would just humbly ask that we treat the root problem vs "a" symptom of the root problem. By doing so we avoid the PURPOSED divisional garbage that we are CONSTANTLY encouraged to pursue (again, by whom?) and become truly independent of outside influence and ALL of us do so as AMERICANS and brothers and sisters. Liberty and Freedom has always been a messy business and fraught with the worst dangers to mankind, but for this conversation, if we UNIFY to rid ourselves of this ugly and evil beast we can again have it. The "money changers" know this and will fight to the death to prevent it. They have through-out their history. They KNOW that unity for Liberty spells their defeat. That is why they prevent it at every turn and at all times. The left bustin on the right and vice versa can and will NEVER allow us to fix the root problem. Please, I'm beggin ya, do everything you can to unify and find common ground.

We simply MUST be as wise as a serpent in order to deal with the serpent.

I am grateful for you ear and consideration.

"Those ants out number us 10 to 1 and if they ever figure that out, our way of life is OVER"

Hopper in "Bugs Life"


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