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Aug 4, 2022
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I was just wondering how often other mini owners have their little ones hooves trimmed. My farrier has typically trimmed my horses and donks every 6 weeks in the warm weather and 8 weeks during the winter months. After hooves were trimmed today, he gave me another appointment for 7 weeks just like last time. I questioned him as to why it was at 7 weeks and why it isn't at 8 weeks because their hooves are growing more slowly now. He got a bit angry with my question and actually never answered it. To be clear, I have used him as my farrier for about 20 years, from the time I had riding horses. He does a good job, has never missed an appointment and he's very knowledgeable. I know he has a "circuit" that he does, and I imagine that others on the circuit may need trims for their animals sooner than I need them for mine, but I'm thinking I shouldn't have to have them trimmed according to his schedule but when it's needed by my animals. My research on line says that you should trim anywhere from 6 weeks to 12 weeks depending on the animal and what the animal is doing. My animals do nothing but but hang out in their pasture and play all day. That's it. No work, no walking on pavement or gravel. So, I'm wondering how often others get their horses and donks hooves trimmed? Thanks
Mine go from 8 weeks in the summer to 10-12 in the winter. Some of mine to very little. Some of mine work a lot. When they're shod, it's very important to me that they don't go over 8 weeks. But barefoot with regular maintenance, depending on the animal, I am ok with leaving them longer. My farriers (I use 2 regularly) always book the next appointment before they leave from the first. There's discussion about how the animals are currently growing and how they're expected to grow in the next couple of months.
It would of been nice if he would have answered your question. It would of left you at ease. I trim about 8 weeks. I call and ask for appt. when he can fit me in. Doing this, sometimes it does go over. Mine are on mostly dirt areas.
I do my own trimming and I usually end up trimming every 4-6 weeks depending on how he's growing and whether there are any issues I'm trying to address. Things like imbalances, flares, and cracks will worsen if the hooves are allowed to get too long in between trims. He does have to work sometimes, the ground is varied, and his hind feet are a bit crooked so I don't like him to get overgrown.

So it really depends on your individual animals, how their feet grow, what kind of ground they are on, what kind of work you are asking them to do. I would say 6-8 weeks is certainly a "safe" schedule - most horses will have enough growth to bother with inside that window but not so much that it starts causing problems.

It's annoying that he didn't answer you but it's true, farriers can be divas, and 7 weeks is a perfectly reasonable time frame for most situations. If you're happy with him otherwise then I'd probably just stick with his schedule - hard to find good hoof care.
I would think he probably just scheduled you for when it was convenient for him. When your animals need it is absolutely top notch care, but when he is in that area is more important for him. My favorite mare grows hooves like nobody's business. She should be done every 5 weeks and doesn't slow down in winter. Actually, none of mine slow down in winter, I never really understood that. My stallion could be done every 12 weeks no problem. The others should get done around 7-8 weeks. That's in an ideal world. In reality my farrier won't come out here for 1 trim, so everyone gets done around 6-7 weeks.
If your farrier is good, they are in demand and usually have a full schedule.

Trim times on mine vary season to season, dry weather vs wet weather, amount of turnout or work time. I have one with laminitis, that when it's active, will be trimmed every three weeks, but when not active will go 8-10 weeks. Most of mine are between 6-8 weeks though.
Thank you all for responding. It's good to know how often and under what circumstances others are getting their animals hooves trimmed. Like I said, for at least 20 yrs. my farrier has trimmed my equines between 6-8 weeks, but this winter he never went to the 8 weeks, that's why I asked him what his reasoning was to keep to 7 weeks. My horses seem to grow out a little quicker than my donks, but not much. I truly think that I could easily have everyone trimmed at 8-10 weeks, but I'm not going to even voice my opinion about that. I'm afraid that the farrier would just ask me to take my business elsewhere, cuz he has a bit of attitude. He's good and knows it. As many of you stated, it's hard to find a good, responsive farrier and mine is good and responsive.

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