Coco is up and walking. I checked him basically every hour last night, i dont think he is to happy with me for waking him up all the time. I took the hay out of his stall bc i always clean stalls on thursdays glad i didnt put it off now.
Our vet Smith called around 11 this morning and wanted me to bring him in to have him looked at or i could wait untill around 6 tonight and he could stop over when he was making house calls. I decided that i might as well drive him over there while my dad was at work and my mom was on a business call in Indiana. I called my father and he said that if i wanted to drive him over there that i could. Vet did basically the same thing the other one did. He told me to take him to my pond outback and let him go into the shallow part where it comes up to his legs and let him walk around in it. So we came back home and did that. Coco is walking circles and following the cats around but im still worried.
He is still pretty plump. He doesnt seem to be in any pain ...but its not like i can ask him 'where does it hurt' and expect an answer. He's rolling and walking and i think thats a good sign. But i know where still not completely out of the woods from what Smith told me. He said colic and all this other stuff could still set in up to 2-4 days later. So im still a little worried but he said that coco is doing pretty good for eating all that he did, especially corn.
Me on the other hand ...i need Sleep, Food, and some pain pills because i've not got a headacke from worrying ...but its all worth it for coco. If i lost him i dont know what i would do.
The pills dont say on the bottle what there called. It just says 'dry pain pills'. Then on the back it has a weight chart that tells how many to give him. He highlighted the 350 pound one ...coco only weight 210. So im going with the 200 scale ..which is 2 pills every 20-24 hours.
im not going to yell at my sister. I think last night i was just all worked up and blaming it on her but its really not her fault. Im just going to let it go, im not going to yell or blaime anything on her.
Again, thank you guys so much. I didnt know whereelse to go or who to ask last night and this was the first place that came to mind.