Enough is enough

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2002
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You know, I've read most of these political posts and I think it's time for us ALL to take a break. The hostility towards each other for OPINIONS is astounding and people are making PERSONAL STATEMENTS TO AND REGARDING MEMBERS with no disregard. People, it's fine to be passionate about a candidate you believe in but don't go jumping on someone else if they don't feel the same way.

YES, I made the statement "good vs evil is clear". It's MY OPINION of one person, not his supporters. I'm entitled to it just as you are to yours and you won't see ME berating you for yours.

Its your American right to feel the way you do but it is not your American right to bash someone for theirs. And this post goes for EVERYONE. McCain and Obama supporters alike. JUST STOP IT.
i have not seen any bad comments but ive may of just missed it . i am not a Obama supporter but i did vote for him. i dont feel that any of them are right for the office but my thought is he is lesser of the two known evils. just wish i knew more about the other dozen people running .

be nice all
I just posted something very similar on another thread. I agree, it's time to show some respect for people even if we don't agree with them.
I ignore the political threads on any board. Also never discuss politics with people. As far as I know, last I checked, this is still a democracy and our ballot is secret. That's why we have voting booths. BUT of course there will always be people who want to push in your face what they believe with the attitude that you better believe it too. It's like junior high. remember?
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Amen sister!!

I just dont get why we cant discuss this stuff like human beings without all the ugliness and insults. I have said many times we all blame the media and then look how we act on here.

I will be so glad when its all over and my hope is this will not keep us all divided like this
Amen! I am staying away from the political threads. People can be so mean if they disagree with your opinion on things. I was always told it wasn't a good idea to discuss religion or politics. I live by that now.
it dont effect me at all you beleave what you beleave and i will do the same . it funny some times to see how confussed people look at me when i tell them my thoughts. sticks and stones may break my bones but you know words will never hurt me .
I will be so glad when its all over and my hope is this will not keep us all divided like this
ME TOO! I'm so sick of the seeing endless posts of he said/did this but what he said/did was even worse etc. as well as all the political commercials (and not just for presidency, the local ones are just as bad!) But unfortunately some people here won't let the ugliness and insulting end with just politics..
I also hope all of this does not end any friendships.

I have VERY strong opinions on politics and religion for sure, but part of my religious beliefs are about being kind and caring to others and not treating them the way I see people being treated.

Susan O.
Everyone has the right, and always will, to freedom of speach and to express who they want to represent our country but the back porch has almost been like paying a visit to CNN or Fox news messege board, atleast you would think that....ive not even visited the back porch much lately as it is all the same thing...
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I agree. I'm glad people are so involved in the political process as I think they're taking their civic responsibilities very seriously but at this point when I see one new thread after another with "Candidate X did this," "Candidate Y ate this for dinner" etc., etc., I want to yell "Enough already!!"

We've all made up our minds at this point and if someone hasn't it's unlikely that something said on LB is going to sway them. Time to stop with the politics and let it go. We'll vote, someone will become president, some people will like that person and some won't. Life goes on.
We've all got horses to feed, poop to scoop, and stories to share. Let's get back to what matters!

It's too bad that people don't take as much interest in their local politics as they do the presidency. I'll be glad when it's over, too.
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THANK YOU! I have not been coming to the forum much at all lately (once or twice a week IF that) simply due to the fact that it is over run with hot political threads.

I'll be glad when this is all over.
Its your American right to feel the way you do but it is not your American right to bash someone for theirs
And I pray we never lose the freedom to speak how we feel (hopefully without bashing others) - republicans & democrats and as myself an independent.

It is that right that some of us fear we may lose if goverened by the wrong people!

I have had to hold my fingers back several times, especially for two of the self appointed monitors on this board (none of which have posted so far on this thread) as I realize if they did not have their freedom to speak then I would have already lost my right too.

I'll be happy when this presidential race is over
As many have said so will I. For the sake of all of us I hope we Americans all across this country do not regret the results decided on November 4th. These are indeed troubling times!
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I've also posted in an attempt to keep things more civil but I've gotta say that because of the LB members and the political threads I'm much more educated about and interested in this election than I have been in years. I hate it when the finger pointing starts but I've learned a lot in spite of it.
I have pretty much said my piece on a couple of other threads.... and I agree with you all... Enough already. Life is too short to act the way many are acting. Stop and smell the Roses, think of something positive, do some thing kind for someone.

Just think,, if all those people spent their Neg engery on doing something nice for people... the World and this board would be a much better place.

Here's a pretty flower..


A silly kitten


A Mini kiss... Maggie says, Be Happy!

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Ah, I too have to agree that I have become ill over the transparent gothcha's on this forum with the subject line of the election. It's been a while since I have felt warm and fuzzy when I enter the Back Porch Zone. I am compassionate about who I feel is the right choice for our nation as everyone else is. I do hope, however, that people do embrace their right to vote and do so after educating themselves. Please remember that your children are watching and it is us adults that need to show them that just because someone has a different belief of whom the best president will be we all need to show respect for all parties concerned.

I will try to refrain from posting on future political threads BUT I can not guarantee my absence on all of them.
After all, I am only a human. peace.jpg

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