fund raisers: tack cleaning, trailer detailing, horsewash or annual vaccination clinic or dental clinic, where you sponsor a vet or horse dentist and everyone trailers their animals to get shots or dental work for a reduced fee. pictures on a pony or horse at a local event... your group supplies the horses and takes the photos,and either provides photos from polaroids on the spot or mail the photos to the clients after the event. Petting zoos are always fun too. create stall name signs for a fee...
Activities: visit breeding barns and other horse facilities such as boarding or teaching stables, have a pasture walk to learn various types of forage and see local pasture conditions, assign each member to lead a discussion on equine related topics : insurance and liability, bits and how different bits act on the mouth, fitting a saddle, conformation leading to unsoundness, ailments and how to identify them, ageing the horse by looking at his teeth, nutrition, lameness issues, etc etc etc... assign each member to do a book report on a horse related book,
Go to the race track, observe a riding or driving clinic, go to the local horse fair as a group, visit the closest equine humane facility, have a horse drawn hayride,
old fashioned barn dance, teach each other how to clip a horse, braid manes and tails, clean and maintain clippers, etc etc etc.