Equine Dentist in CA

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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central CA
Even though the vet thought my mare's teeth are ok, I would really like to get them checked by an equine dentist. The vet just felt along her cheeks a bit. I have seen some quidding going on and she just doesn't have the weight I would like even though she is boss mare. So, I was wondering who people in CA get to do their horses. I am located slightly south of Sacramento. Also, can you give me a general idea of what I would be paying? (Not that that will make a difference if she gets done as I really believe she needs it.)
Hi! I am just north of Sacramento! There is a good dentist/vet at UCD. His name escapes me at the moment, but he does have experience with minis. I am leary of recommending UCD for much to do with minis (Loomis Basin is much better imo), this guy is pretty good. Also, check Loomis Basin. They are great! I believe they also have a dentist.

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