Equine Herpes virus outbreak

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Any broad spectrum disinfectant is going to be the most beneficial when dealing with resistant viruses. Virkon-S is a very good product and as posted can be purchased through Valley Vet. We use several stronger lab grade disinfectants within the barns, surgical suites and labs but those are often more difficult to come across. I personally use Accel TB and stand behind it, but others that have already been mentioned Virkon, Novalsan, Lysol Concentrate also work well. Bleach is very short lived and actually can be caustic if inhaled in large quantities so I typically wait at least 30mins before putting horses back into an area sprayed with bleach. Not saying don't use bleach because it is by far better than nothing, but please remember that if you dilute bleach and keep it in a spray bottle you will need to re-stock every 5 days as the effectiveness wears off!!! Bleach has a short half-life.

Also just have to note that for anyone who was not able to get on the webinar through TheHorse.com tonight they are going to post a video link in the upcoming days. It was overall a good presentation with useful information and I applaud everyone involved with putting it together. There were a few "scientific" terms that I did not like how they were explained as I think it will cause confusion, but I am sort of picky. Namely the "mutation" debate... But it will be what it will be and in the end when the study of the outbreak is concluded I hope it is explained in greater detail. What we call a mutation in the lab is very different that the mutant Dr. Morley discussed in seminar. The best part about the information however was that it was stressed and confirmed that the best management of this outbreak is to stay put, not travel in affected areas and use biosecurity measures to keep your animals safe
Prevention is the best medicine in this case!!!
Thanks for the info, Erin. I was not aware of the short half-life of bleach. I will be ordering some Virkon.
This is still spreading and unfortunately not ALL state vet offices are keeping up with the news! Our office is NOT. My vet was here today for routine stuff and informed me that another place she was at has more sick horses!!! They were moved from one of the trainers who had been to the cutting event in UT and brought it back with him and now horses at the facility they were moved to are sick!

She recommended NO TRAVEL period- there is no emergency show, trail ride or ANYTHING at this time. Most of the state here is in voluntary quarantine. She recommended no horses in, and if horses leave the property, they dont come back. Even boarding stables here are not allowing the boarders horses trail riding off the property.

She recommended no contact with other farms or horses period, and if you have to go to the feed store, hardware store or any other place where germs may be tracked in, bleach or lysol your shoes, scrub your hands and arms, and depending on where you have been, change your clothes. She advised the cost of treatment per day is about $700 for the medications and things needed.

I just spoke by phone with Dr. Dennis Hughes, Nebraska State Veterinarian, who confirmed that there are No cases of EHV-1 in Nebraska. The horses that were quarantined because they had been at cutting events have remainded healthy during the quarantine period and are scheduled to be released on Sunday and Monday of next week.

The Bluestem MHC AMHR / AMHA shows scheduled for Lincoln, NE June 3-5 are still planning to go on. There are no new restrictions on horse transport to - from - through Nebraska. As a club we will do our best to practice sound biosecurity methods, we'll lay out our stall arrangements with open space wherever possible and make spray bottles of disinfectant available for use at check-in. www.bluestemminihorse.com.

Keep safe everyone, hopefully states more affected than Nebraska will stabilize soon.


Jacki Loomis
Thanks for that update, Jacki. We are looking at a show the week following yours here in MO. We have decided that if any cases are confirmed in the states that usually haul in (MO, KS, AR, IL, NE) that we will not go. It's good to hear that NE is still clear!! Stay safe.
Thanks for that update, Jacki. We are looking at a show the week following yours here in MO. We have decided that if any cases are confirmed in the states that usually haul in (MO, KS, AR, IL, NE) that we will not go. It's good to hear that NE is still clear!! Stay safe.
Yes, it is a relief.

Dr. Hughes also told me he has very little concern about Nebraska horses coming or going to or from Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, or Missouri because they are not having much of a problem there. That should make you feel a little better too! We'll have stall spray for our exhibitors to spray down their stalls (so they are comfortable that it was done right) and hand sanitizer stations so us exhibitors can minimize the spread of any germs.

Be safe in this crazy weather and we'll see you in Nebraska!

Jacki Loomis
There is another webinar for EHV-1 Tomorrow if anyone is interested. I haven't kept up with this thread to see if anyone already posted it or not. For some reason I am getting them from everywhere. Chris Cox canceled his tour for Oregon after consulting his vet.

Can someone please explain the heirarchy of reporting to local vets on the status of cases in each state?

My vets have differing information regarding states' statuses on number of cases than what has been posted here. I am wondering where they get their information and why there seems to be apparent discrepancies?
I sure wish I knew the answer to that. I know several people with positive horses in Arizona and California that are not being listed yet. California usually seems to be a week behind in the numbers they are reporting but eventually catch up. Arizona on the other hand, when I checked last had listed zero affected horses, when they in fact had 5 positive horses and one fatality from it (all horses were either cutter from the show or in contact with). Even my vet is wondering why the states are not reporting the real numbers affected.
Quick update from where we stand here in Colorado and specifically CSU. We have seen a decrease in new cases this week and a steady holding in the number of infected and exposed horses. Due largely in part to our response to shut down and quarantine orders we have seen a positive result in isolation and reduction this week. Our Veternary Medical Center will go back to regular operations as of next week, while still maintaining biosecurity practices and protocols. This is a very large improvement and a step in the right direction. We are still under travel restrictions in many areas however with continued decrease in new active cases we hope to have some of those lifted as well. The majority of our Equine related events, shows and clinics have been cancelled and facilities will remain closed for the next week or so but we are making progress.

There is still a lot of confusion as to why some areas are not reporting, and we will never acutally have the answer as to why. We know AZ imparticular has postively confirmed cases but for whatever reason they are not reporting to APHIS or USDA, so truly it is up to horse owners to make prudent decisions if you live or are thinking about traveling to these areas! If all goes well we can look forward to seeing an end to this in the coming weeks and then we might be able to get around to that show fun season before the summer is gone!! Just remember that with all the information traveleing around, some states effected, some states not, it is important to keep in mind it is not just WHERE you are going that you should consider but also WHO else might attend and WHERE they come from!!!

From my standpoint the scientific investigation of this outbreak will be ongoing far longer than the outbreak will last (we hope at least because I want to show again sometime) as we have many more isolates to investigate why this strain has the virulence it has shown. It is great that everyone is sharing the information in their areas and staying informed! I am gaining optimism this week as things are looking to moving in the right direction but urge everyone to at lease remain cautious for a little bit.
30 miles east of Albuquerque, along I-40...yesterday's little 'East Mountain' newspaper headlined a story quoting a local vet, who said that the outbreak "has killed one horse in the Estancia Valley last week"...(about 30 mi. east and south of here)and that a "Bernalillo County[Albuquerque to about 10 mi. west of here]horse and a Torrance County[county line is about 4 miles east of here]horse were diagnosed as recently as Monday[May 23]; both had been isolated after exposure". A horse from Lea County(SE corner of NM)was said to be 'still trying to recover'. The vet also stated that she had seen two 'possible cases this week' from Bernalillo Co.; both horses had been at Ogden; blood samples and nasal swabs had been sent off, but no confirmation at press time.

All pretty close to me. I am just staying home; not taking my horses anywhere, not going to any 'horsey' events until there has been an 'all-clear' for awhile.A surfeit of caution can't hurt, IMO.

Thank you Erin for the update!! Sounds like maybe, just maybe we can breath slightly freer now. I am still staying put for the next couple weeks.
I am so grateful that this virus was taken seriously so quickly. The horse owners were quickly notifed and all exposed horses quarintenined. this could easily have been far worse. We can now only hope that no horse slipped through the cracks.
According to our news here in Reno we have 2 new cases in Washoe County. They are asking people to stay off of public lands with there horses. That means no trail rides. What they are concerned about is the wild horses. If this virus gets into the wild horses all you know what is gonna break loose. So hopefully people will respect what has been asked and keep their horses home. They may even cancel the Reno Rodeo. That is still up in the air.
Yes we are all still staying in too!! And it is important to note that other places are still having increased cases but my update was to give our local information along with that which we are receiving in the labs regarding other places. It is good to stay updated on your local cases and stay informed making the best decisions for your imparticular area. It is good news that we are getting a handle on it in certain places and we can all breathe a little easier knowing that with swift response and proper isolation this will die out
It will still be a few weeks thou before anyone hears an all clear IMO!

Shelia thanks so much for that update.... we in AZ are also wondering why info is not being reported and kept up to date.... since this is pretty crucial info. Does anyone know when/where the last new case was? Is the quarantine working to let this run it's course?
It looks like we are going to stay home from Carethage. I am relieved, to a degree. I really want to go show, but certainly not at the risk of either of my boys. Oh well, guess there's always Colombia in July and Bluestem in August. See you guys there, I hope!
I am staying home from the Bryan show next weekend. I really wanted to go . I haven't been to a show yet this year because of mare watching. I am going to wait until July ,hopefully everything will be fine by then. So July 8,9 10 San Antonio. I can't wait. Our club has cancelled two up coming events so everyone will stay home.
http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/nahss/equine/ehv/ehv_2011_sitrep_052611.pdf This is the newest report from the USDA. 9 dead horses so far because of this one event.

I think that there are actually more than that. Our local news reported two horses euthanized in Utah several days ago, and the article there says just one died here. Unless they don't count euthanized as dying from the disease?

Ok, never mind, I missed the second one on the other chart. It's been a long, hard day for me, sigh....
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