Erica ..Design ..foaling?

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The cam is not working well for me either right now. I think that means she will foal within the next hour, right???

I saw this and disconnected and reconnected to the Server?

I don't notice it, as I'm not watching on the I watch from different receivers running to TV in the living room and bedroom......

if that helped.........then if it goes bad again and you are trying to watch, just send an email to [email protected] as that goes to my iphone and it should beep that I have a message, like a text message and I can try to fix it.

She's just been standing in her back corner eating out of her hay rack and swishing her tail quite a bit and rocking her weight back and forth........

ANYTIME Design, preferably before midnight would be great........
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She's just been sleeping but maybe she's "thinking".....maybe.......
I didn't see a baby this morning. Doesn't this just drive y ou crazy knowing it will be any time. Sure sign of a girl.
Is this cam live?? Cause it just keeps showing me the SAME 3 pics over and over and over again, lol
Yes, it's live. I can see Design scratching her hiney right now (still big with baby on the inside).
mom will still be at work......

though I'm sure midwives can take care of it at the house I'd rather her wait........but she best get the show on the road as CC is catching her pretty quickly. Not enough to keep her up during the day for now, but by this weekend probably.

Design is the same.......udder is huge, milk is down, belly is dropped. She tightens up behind in the mornings somewhat, but will be floppy again by lunch....

She would have had it by now if she could go outside and sneak "it" in......
We did the same with Puff and our new baby, we watched her a month. Jan let her out, agianst her better judgement, the mare was very insistant, and boom! there he was. Let her out and watch her while she is out, don't let her know you are watching. Then she will have it for you.

I hope my mare at home doesn't do this to me.

I like the name Sheryl, it sure fits it.
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I'd do that Shelly, but I leave for work at 7am and don't get home until to be under close 24/7 supervision during the work week she has to stay inside. As much as I love Breeder Alert, I don't trust it when I can have her under cams.

I let her out when I got home yesterday and she got a good roll in and then came back to her stall gate and wanted she only stayed out about 30 mins vrs several more I would have let her stay out.

Now if she DARE holds out until this weekend, she'll be out all weekend as I have a bunch of work to get done at the barn.......but she isn't going to do that right!!

I pasture bred but right down dates and if she, took first cycle (only time I saw her bred) she is at 331 today, so she's on time and ready!!!

CC is following very close and udder developement is progressing very radiply these past two I figure she's got only maybe a week to go...she's just not there "yet" so getting to go out and play during the day with the other preggers....wonder if it will be another Overo?? She's crossed back to Taker, and her first foal for her was last year out of Taker and it was a loud overo!
Sheryl you meant 2:45 West Coast time right??? LOL

Hold off for 30 more mins Design.......fixing to head home when I get my desked cleaned off and packed away

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