Today is the first "mass ascension" of the 36th Annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, which goes through next weekend, and is correctly identified as the "mecca" for hot air ballooning in the US, perhaps even the world!
I went out early to feed and clean up, so I could come back in and watch them(on TV) go is an absolutely EXTRAORDINARY sight! There are 700 balloons here, with a long waiting list...and this year, nearly 100 of them are 'special shapes'--my FAVORITE! I JUST watched "DARTH VADER" rise into the air-in honor of the 30th anniverary of "Star Wars", the pilot and balloon are from BELGIUM, and this is being reported as their first flight in the US, I think--certainly the first at our Balloon Fiesta--when they arrived at the Sunport the other night, they were greeted by Storm Troopers in full uniform(and I just saw them mingling with the crowd as the balloon inflated!!) There is a veritable SEA of people-100,000 estimated at the Balloon Fiesta Park this morning--and there are vendors of EVERY kind, including BODACIOUS food!!, and lots of activities daily(the MASS ascensions occur on both days of both weekends,and there are special shape mass ascensions during the week, along with evening 'balloon glows', concerts, fireworks shows, and competitions between the pilots every week day(that the weather cooperates, which is MOST of the time!) The city is FULL UP-should you come, you'd need to make your hotel/motel reservations EARLY! (There is a BIG RV contingent on the grounds, too--imagine reservations for it would have to also be made EARLY, too!! The Fiesta always begins on the first full October weekend, and runs through the following weekend.)There is a gas balloon distance race which launches in the evening from the Park--winner is whoever ends up flying the farthest--in years past, some of these pilots/balloons have ended up in CANADA,days later!
The Balloon Fiesta Park is a super place--all grass or paved,now, and nicely arranged and laid out. (Two years ago this past spring, at the launch of Albuquerque's Tricentennial celebration, there was a 'reenactment of history' event held at the Balloon Park, where several eras were represented related to the use of equines; I took my buckboard and pair, in my 'homesteader' costume, for the 'homesteader' era--it was a LOT of fun; we drove on the paved paths between the balloon launching areas-grass 'squares' or about 100'X 100', with commentary and description over the PA system.)There is the Anderson-Abruzzo Ballooning Museum,named after two Albuquerqueans who set ballooning records for around-the-world flights-just built a couple of years ago.
Watching it on TV is wonderful, but NOTHING beats being there in person---the public is allowed to be right up-close-and-personal to the balloons, and the COLOR, and immense size and scale of the balloons is just TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Because I live quite a ways out, and have the horses that HAVE TO be fed, I haven't been there 'in the flesh' but a couple of times, but I HIGHLY recommend it!! (I'm watching the 'Smokey the Bear' and the Wells Fargo 'Stagecoach' inflate and prepare for take off right NOW!!)You can even buy a balloon ride,BTW!
Not sure, but I believe you could try the website of our local TV,, and't guarantee those site addresses are correct, except for the first one, KOB-but think you could find them, to see some of the scenes.0 The weather is usually EXCEPTIONALLY nice-our vaunted clear, deep blue skies,low humidity, cool, crisp mornings, then pleasant days,and light breezes(the balloons count on light breezes, and the famous 'Albuquerque box', which means that the breeze in the Rio Grande River valley, where the Park is located, blows either N or S at the surface, then changes direction 180* a bit higher up in the air, so the balloons can float one way, then either gain or drop altitude, and float back the opposite direction-and may be able to do so for quite a while!)
No, I have NO connection with the local Chamber of Commerce!!
:--I am not usually the 'rah, rah' type, but this is TRULY an event worth coming to see...There is also a huge and well-regarded Arts and Crafts fiesta just up the road, the Tram to the top of the Sandias, a world-class zoo,biopark, and Natural History, and Art museums, Old Town-- and Santa Fe is only 60 miles up the road! I have lived in New Mexico nearly all my life, and near to more-near-to Albuquerque since 1970,and I have to say, this area has more and more worthwhile attractions. Shoot, I remember when the first 13 balloons flew from the Coronado Mall parking lot in the early '70s--the start of this whole thing! I can guarantee you that this would be an event worth taking a vacation to see!!
I am reminded of why I love, and live, here---and this is SUCH a fun time, I just wanted to share some of how it feels! Later today, the wind is supposed to get strong-in fact, there was concern it would prevent the mass ascension, but in true NM fashion, the weather 'decided to' change, and they had a near-perfect launch morning. Where I live, east of the city and the mountains in between, windy is a way of life...still, I will be driving my horses later this AM, before it really gets 'cranking'.
Back out to feed grain! Have a great Saturday, everyone!
I went out early to feed and clean up, so I could come back in and watch them(on TV) go is an absolutely EXTRAORDINARY sight! There are 700 balloons here, with a long waiting list...and this year, nearly 100 of them are 'special shapes'--my FAVORITE! I JUST watched "DARTH VADER" rise into the air-in honor of the 30th anniverary of "Star Wars", the pilot and balloon are from BELGIUM, and this is being reported as their first flight in the US, I think--certainly the first at our Balloon Fiesta--when they arrived at the Sunport the other night, they were greeted by Storm Troopers in full uniform(and I just saw them mingling with the crowd as the balloon inflated!!) There is a veritable SEA of people-100,000 estimated at the Balloon Fiesta Park this morning--and there are vendors of EVERY kind, including BODACIOUS food!!, and lots of activities daily(the MASS ascensions occur on both days of both weekends,and there are special shape mass ascensions during the week, along with evening 'balloon glows', concerts, fireworks shows, and competitions between the pilots every week day(that the weather cooperates, which is MOST of the time!) The city is FULL UP-should you come, you'd need to make your hotel/motel reservations EARLY! (There is a BIG RV contingent on the grounds, too--imagine reservations for it would have to also be made EARLY, too!! The Fiesta always begins on the first full October weekend, and runs through the following weekend.)There is a gas balloon distance race which launches in the evening from the Park--winner is whoever ends up flying the farthest--in years past, some of these pilots/balloons have ended up in CANADA,days later!
The Balloon Fiesta Park is a super place--all grass or paved,now, and nicely arranged and laid out. (Two years ago this past spring, at the launch of Albuquerque's Tricentennial celebration, there was a 'reenactment of history' event held at the Balloon Park, where several eras were represented related to the use of equines; I took my buckboard and pair, in my 'homesteader' costume, for the 'homesteader' era--it was a LOT of fun; we drove on the paved paths between the balloon launching areas-grass 'squares' or about 100'X 100', with commentary and description over the PA system.)There is the Anderson-Abruzzo Ballooning Museum,named after two Albuquerqueans who set ballooning records for around-the-world flights-just built a couple of years ago.
Watching it on TV is wonderful, but NOTHING beats being there in person---the public is allowed to be right up-close-and-personal to the balloons, and the COLOR, and immense size and scale of the balloons is just TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Because I live quite a ways out, and have the horses that HAVE TO be fed, I haven't been there 'in the flesh' but a couple of times, but I HIGHLY recommend it!! (I'm watching the 'Smokey the Bear' and the Wells Fargo 'Stagecoach' inflate and prepare for take off right NOW!!)You can even buy a balloon ride,BTW!
Not sure, but I believe you could try the website of our local TV,, and't guarantee those site addresses are correct, except for the first one, KOB-but think you could find them, to see some of the scenes.0 The weather is usually EXCEPTIONALLY nice-our vaunted clear, deep blue skies,low humidity, cool, crisp mornings, then pleasant days,and light breezes(the balloons count on light breezes, and the famous 'Albuquerque box', which means that the breeze in the Rio Grande River valley, where the Park is located, blows either N or S at the surface, then changes direction 180* a bit higher up in the air, so the balloons can float one way, then either gain or drop altitude, and float back the opposite direction-and may be able to do so for quite a while!)
No, I have NO connection with the local Chamber of Commerce!!

I am reminded of why I love, and live, here---and this is SUCH a fun time, I just wanted to share some of how it feels! Later today, the wind is supposed to get strong-in fact, there was concern it would prevent the mass ascension, but in true NM fashion, the weather 'decided to' change, and they had a near-perfect launch morning. Where I live, east of the city and the mountains in between, windy is a way of life...still, I will be driving my horses later this AM, before it really gets 'cranking'.
Back out to feed grain! Have a great Saturday, everyone!