little rodeo
Hello! We rescued a Mini mare the beginning of the year and she had a foal on May 9th. The foal is now weaned and has been for about a month. I take her on walks and she does chores everyday with me. She’s going to be my sons who is currently 9 months old so she needs to be very gentle. She’s quickly on her way! I am taking her to the beach to walk the boardwalk this weekend but I also would like to start taking her hiking with me. I would say he father was a dwarf because she is very tiny and has a dished dwarfy looking face and legs. I don’t want to overdue it with her but I also want to do as much as I can with her the next two-three years for when or if my son wants to take the step and start riding. We currently have 9 other horses/mules and we all ride a ton so im guessing he will want to. At least in the beginning. I just want him to have something safe to be on and in order to do that I need to expose this little filly to anything and everything. I tie balloons to her and have her carry/drag a tarp plus tons of other weird things. She hasn’t batted an eye with anything yet. My main question is would hiking be ok? I have tons of experience with horses but not tiny minis like this. I feel like the exercise will be good for her growing legs. Just walking. We are not sprinting down the trails as I also have a backpack on with my son.