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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2004
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Western OR
Sorry I haven't been around. It seems like I'm always playing catch up right now, since Dave had his carpel tunnel surgery. It's because he can't do much due to the weight restrictions he's on- So I'm doing most of Nathan's care 24/7, with very little breaktime (naps? Pfah, what're those?! :p) as well as everything else I've always done.

Well, except one thing- vaccuming. Which is driving me batty! Our vac died a few weeks back, and we can't afford a new one because, ta da, the car died a week ago. GEEZ. 2006 has not started well- my best friend is having heart issues, my step-dad had a massive heart attack & a triple (or quad) bypass, Dave's on 2lb weight restriction for another 3 weeks...

I'm waiting to see what blows up, breaks, explodes, etc OR who gets sick, goes insane (besides me), or whatnot next.

Nathan's flourishing. He had a Dr's appointment today because he's been messing with his ear ALOT, but he's fine. He weighs 17lbs, and is only 5months old today. He can roll over (back to stomach), is almost crawling/belly scooting, is babbling alll the time, can sit up with a little support, grabs hold of this that and another thing (but isn't yet reaching out and grabbing much beyond his rings/blocks/bottles/spoons), recognizes his name when he wants to, and still isn't sleeping through the night.

I'm just trying to not go crazy. I know I'm worn out- been stressing alot recently, and am just wishing I had some help! I've gained back 11 of my pre-pregnancy pounds *sob* and my heartburn issues are returning, so I need to get back to eating better if nothing else.

Uhoh. Sounds like the Lil big man may have woken up. Good news is last night we got all his feedings down to 1oz each- if we can keep it that way for a few days, we'll see about cutting back by 1/2 an oz... and eventually get down to nothing. *crosses fingers* I'd offer him a pacifier instead of a bottle, but ever since he cut the tip of that tooth in late Nov, he'd rejected the paci. He has discovered how to suck on his thumbs, but alot of the time he doesn't care enough to isolate the thumb.... any fingers will do, and so will the whole fist!!

I swear, if I get a chance at all (Free time? Do those words even GO together?) I'll post pics- we haven't got any really new ones, but we have alot I haven't posted. And darnit, I still want a dog (or cat)- I'm lonely with just Nathan for company. Let's face it, he's a wiggle worm- not much cuddliness there. But I can't have either. Hubby says no rabbits, too- and it's obvious by the way he acts, no new fish as well. -.- That leaves me with a rat who bites and is terrified of humans, 1 betta, and a 5 month old who keeps smacking me in the face.

And people wonder why I was collecting beanie babies... at least they are soft cuddly animals I'm -allowed- to have.... even though I can't ever buy them anymore.

Ok. I'm rambling. I'll go- It's past bedtime anyways, even if I still have half an hour (if I'm lucky) before my brain will let me sleep.

Take care everyone- I'm still around, still checking in, but have no time for anything anymore! I can't even list my MLP's or extra Breyers anywhere to try to sell them!
I should make a note: My step-dad came out of surgery well, and the Dr. said he could even go back to roofing when he had recovered from the surgery (6-8 weeks). He should have gone home in the last couple of days- I need to call my mom and find out the latest soon.

My step-dad (I worship the man) is one of those old fashioned guys, and thank heavens he'll still be able to work- because, as my mother said, if he can't work, he'd crawl into bed and give up. He lost his mother within the last year, and both his biological children are having rather severe health problems... I was scared to death that we were going to loose him when I found out- and that Nathan would be like me, and never know any of his gandfathers.

<.< I want to go home so badly I almost started to think it'd just be nice if a fire wiped out everything here, so we were free of it all and could just go. Mostly it was sleep deprivation, depression, and self-pity. Still feel guilty for thinking it, regardless
: I'm more then ready to leave 98% of our stuff behind... but Dave isn't.
Good news- my step-dad is at home and has been for a day or two. He's apparently doing well, but "grumbling" because he can't do anything LOL That's just who he is
I think that two pound weight restriction is being carried a bit to far. I had Carpel tunnel surgury on both hands (at different times) . The restrictions prevented me from going to work but not from fishing. I could catch thirty pound salmon but not go to work and lift a phone. Of course I could still work around the farm just not at work. He didn`t have both hands done at once did he ?
I think that two pound weight restriction is being carried a bit to far. I had Carpel tunnel surgury on both hands (at different times) . The restrictions prevented me from going to work but not from fishing. I could catch thirty pound salmon but not go to work and lift a phone. Of course I could still work around the farm just not at work. He didn`t have both hands done at once did he ?
Glad to hear that your step-dad is home and doing well.

I am going to go out on a limb here and ask what may be a stupid question....can you tell us why you are cutting his feedings? The reason that I ask is that I think that is why he is not sleeping. If he's hungry, he is not going to sleep for you and a paci is not going to fix it. You may not want my advice, but I would suggest increasing the amount not decreasing it. That's just what worked for me with my two, thought it might help you out and it's jmho.


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