Not a vet, but I have a triple dilute mare that is notorious for having infected eyes in our dry climate, only when it's windy and dusty in the winter time, but still. Anyways. I keep a tube or two of the terramycin on hand, and as soon as I see her starting to get gooped up, I'll start dr'ing her twice a day. Prior to putting it in, if they are really bad, I'll flush 'em otu with regular old eye wasd. I jsut buy a bottle of the human stuff. Then I'll wipe any goop away, put some of the ointment in, and put a fly mask on her at night (she's a Houdini at getting them off during the day, so we don't use them during the daytime). But the fly masks sure help at keeping most of the stuff from getting in her eyes. I had a mare here week before last that scratched her eye and it went goopy one day, then just ran for a couple and I did about the same to her, other than I didn't turn her out with the herd and kept her up. It cleared it up in about 4 days. Key is to get on it as soon as you find 'em, or you'll be making a vet trip with all the goodies that come with that and the shots in the eye and stuff. Veteracin also works on the eyes, and for one that is shy will work too. One quick squirt is all you need twice a day, and there is no having to hold them or anything to administer it. The regular wound spray is half power to their pink eye spray, so either one would be fine (I emailed the company and asked about this specific thing).
Ayways, like I said, I'm not a vet, but it's what has worked here for us the last several years.