I'm finding with Halo, her hay intake is different everyday. We have really been super cold, this winter. Record snow fall, and now we have been engulfed in freezing fog.. It just all depends on how cold it is, on how much I put down, but I like to give her enough, so if she is trying to keep warmer, she has the food to do so. And with my mini, she definitely will let us know, if we aren't giving enough. She is a 32" mini, and in summer weighed around 180 lbs. I find, that if we put enough hay down, she actually will only eat what she needs. It has taken us a bit to get that all regulated out, since Fall. She also is getting 3/4 cup, twice a day of Purina Miniature Horse and Pony, with lots of water, to make it super soupy, since she isn't drinking as much as she does in summer. I'm not sure we were giving her enough hay in summer, either...will see what happens this next summer. She always acted hungry, but I thought putting more hay down would be bad...boy, was I wrong. I honestly would of liked her 5- 10 lbs. heavier, if that meant she was happy and seeing how she adjusts her intake for what is happening around her, I have found to trust her to do what is best for herself too.