Little Wolf Ranch
Well-Known Member
"I promise honey no more buying horses. The next additions will be foals born on the farm." said on October 10, 2009
As of October 26, 2009 I purchased another horse.
Honestly though I really wasn't looking per say for the next stallion of my dreams. I had posted ads on the wonderful Lil Beginnings sale forum about wanting a true non-fading black pinto, atleast AMHR, no taller than 32" at maturity, must have blue eyes, must have pawprints, must be within 100 mile radius of my farm. I knew that it was slim to none so I really wasn't seriously "looking".
Well stupid me had used white-out on my Sampsons papers and I needed to get a new transfer form from the breeder - whom I last saw in 2005! I knew where he lived and it was only 30 minutes away so we headed over there hoping that he would still be living there and sure enough, there he was. I explained to him my situation and he was overly happy to help me out and we got everything in working order. He was so happy to comply he even took us for a tour around his farm - even though he was completely unprepared for us to be visiting, hence his pajamas! I was expecting the same ignorant man which I have mentioned in other posts about clipping too late in winter and weaning too early, but he had completely changed his ways and he admitted that he didn't know it was all that bad but after I had mentioned it back in 2005, he did research and quickly changed his practices.
As we were looking at all the gorgeous FULLY FUZZY 2009 foals, he went on to show me Sampsons father and grandfather and I was so happy to meet them, they both had Sampsons sweet and loving disposition. Out of the corner of my eye - I saw a itty bitty, what I thought must have been a weanling in a private paddock and eating hay. I asked if we could go look at it and pet it, and of course he was happy to inform us that he would be happy to. As we were walking over there I noticed this little one was WAY UNDER 30" and was obviously a non-fading black pinto and my heart started to race. I was then informed that he would measure him for me as I was drooling over the pawprints I saw on his side, and as his head turned I saw two beautiful blue eyes. He walked right up to us and let us halter him and when he was measured by both myself, my fiance and the breeder - he was a dead on 26.5" and is a year and a half old. I about passed out!
The breeder, now my friend, must have known I wanted him and offered him for sale, and I told him I would talk (more like plead and beg) to my fiance and would call him ASAP. We left there and that's all both me and my fiance could talk about is how well balanced and beautiful this little colt was, and so the next day I called the breeder back, made an offer, he said yes because it was my second purchase from him and he's letting me bring him home November 2nd (the day after my birthday) and make payments. I will get his papers after all payments are made, just like I did with Sampson.
So now I am proud to announce that I have a NEW UNDER 30" JUNIOR STALLION!!
He is a beautiful non-fading black and white pinto from a homozygous pinto sire, 26.5" as a yearling, pawprints, two blue eyes, AMHR registered, 21 miles from my house, and absolutely gorgeous! Who knew my next love was only 30 minutes away!
NO MORE BUYING HORSES. . .NO MORE BUYING HORSES. . .we'll see how it goes
But honestly, I am down to 2 girl stalls and 2 boy stalls left. . .better reserve those for babies!
Please excuse him not being posed exactly perfect - it was both of our first times trying this and he was suprisingly patient with me! I know I need to bring his front legs up some and push out his back legs a bit - we are working on it. PS: I know his legs look a little funky in pic but they are straight as can be
As of October 26, 2009 I purchased another horse.

Honestly though I really wasn't looking per say for the next stallion of my dreams. I had posted ads on the wonderful Lil Beginnings sale forum about wanting a true non-fading black pinto, atleast AMHR, no taller than 32" at maturity, must have blue eyes, must have pawprints, must be within 100 mile radius of my farm. I knew that it was slim to none so I really wasn't seriously "looking".
Well stupid me had used white-out on my Sampsons papers and I needed to get a new transfer form from the breeder - whom I last saw in 2005! I knew where he lived and it was only 30 minutes away so we headed over there hoping that he would still be living there and sure enough, there he was. I explained to him my situation and he was overly happy to help me out and we got everything in working order. He was so happy to comply he even took us for a tour around his farm - even though he was completely unprepared for us to be visiting, hence his pajamas! I was expecting the same ignorant man which I have mentioned in other posts about clipping too late in winter and weaning too early, but he had completely changed his ways and he admitted that he didn't know it was all that bad but after I had mentioned it back in 2005, he did research and quickly changed his practices.
As we were looking at all the gorgeous FULLY FUZZY 2009 foals, he went on to show me Sampsons father and grandfather and I was so happy to meet them, they both had Sampsons sweet and loving disposition. Out of the corner of my eye - I saw a itty bitty, what I thought must have been a weanling in a private paddock and eating hay. I asked if we could go look at it and pet it, and of course he was happy to inform us that he would be happy to. As we were walking over there I noticed this little one was WAY UNDER 30" and was obviously a non-fading black pinto and my heart started to race. I was then informed that he would measure him for me as I was drooling over the pawprints I saw on his side, and as his head turned I saw two beautiful blue eyes. He walked right up to us and let us halter him and when he was measured by both myself, my fiance and the breeder - he was a dead on 26.5" and is a year and a half old. I about passed out!
The breeder, now my friend, must have known I wanted him and offered him for sale, and I told him I would talk (more like plead and beg) to my fiance and would call him ASAP. We left there and that's all both me and my fiance could talk about is how well balanced and beautiful this little colt was, and so the next day I called the breeder back, made an offer, he said yes because it was my second purchase from him and he's letting me bring him home November 2nd (the day after my birthday) and make payments. I will get his papers after all payments are made, just like I did with Sampson.
So now I am proud to announce that I have a NEW UNDER 30" JUNIOR STALLION!!

NO MORE BUYING HORSES. . .NO MORE BUYING HORSES. . .we'll see how it goes

Please excuse him not being posed exactly perfect - it was both of our first times trying this and he was suprisingly patient with me! I know I need to bring his front legs up some and push out his back legs a bit - we are working on it. PS: I know his legs look a little funky in pic but they are straight as can be

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