The way I see it is that you have at least two types of people in the USA. You have type A and type B.
Type A believes the officer was doing his job. They believe his life was threatened by a robbing thug. Or maybe they just trust that the justice system would have indicted if there were sufficient evidence and accept the fact that there was no indictment based upon the outcome of the decision an unbiased jury made in light of the evidence before them. Perhaps they are irritated that Benghazi was shoved under the rug and that more than sufficient time has lapsed for a sound conclusive investigation to punish the liars and enablers of murder while Ferguson is hyped up and good people of all races suffer businesses and churches being destroyed. They pray for God's protection over families that just want to live a normal life unafraid to go out in public and their families carry on a normal lifestyle. They admire the people that protected businesses no matter if the color of the owner was different than theirs. Thank you OathKeepers and local residents. They despise Time Magazine. They despise other media presstitutes that would not accurately report that police of all forms were standing down and letting the looting and destruction be carried on. They admire outlets like InfoWars reporting that police were actually shooting rubber bullets and using tear gas on reporters that were there to get the real story. They have enough God given sense to realize that there are good people and bad people of all races. Also that there are good cops and bad cops as well and have the God given discernment to know the difference. Maybe they have a few jokes surface about how maybe riots needed to break out over the OJ Simpson fiasco rather than waiting on karma to catch up with him. They realize the only people profiting from Ferguson are politicians, race baiters, and provocateurs. Type A people are of no specific race, religion, or political affiliation. They just get it.
Type B people are polar opposite. I don't get them. I don't want to get them although for sure they would be easy to spoonfeed and you don't have to waste your breath on them because the only thing they understand is how tasty the jar of victimization they have been spoonfed tastes.
That is of course my humble opinion, aka the way I see it. Maybe there are hybrids, type AB. There could even be some type C or D out there that I am not even aware of. Surprise, surprise I think that I can clearly see me as a type A. Yet, I am a simple minded type A. Could someone please explain to me what the protesters were protesting? I promise that I will not retort even if I see your answer as that of a complete bumbling fool. I promise.